Chapter 0334

Chapter 0334

Dylan POV

“You asked Oliver to be my travel companion?!” I shouted while glaring at Lewis with eyes that screamed nothing but betrayal.

“It’ll be good for the packs to see the old gamma working with you. And he’s as strong as I am, so if anything were to happen, then he would protect you.” Lewis tried to justify his decision, but I shook my head at him. I couldn’t believe he would put me in such a position.

“Protect me?! You actually trust him to do that? He’s the kings friend Lewis, he’s one of the reasons why I’m in danger to begin with.” I yelled causing heads to turn to me in shock at the words coming out of my mouth. “If you think I’m actually going to be able to get things. done while he’s skulking about, then you clearly don’t know me.”

“I knew this was a bad idea.” Oliver mumbled before holding his hands up in surrender and turning to meet my furious gaze. “I promise, I will do what I can to support you.”

“Your promises don’t mean anything to me.” I was so angry, I felt almost betrayed, how on earth could Lewis have done this to me?

Everyone. deserves a chance.” I shook my head, he’d lost all his chances with me. Nothing was going to

together, and I know how…” Lewis cut Ryan off rudely with

snapped, this was clearly not one of our better plans, but he chose Oliver. The root of some

people often

were he was completely in the wrong, and Oliver was one of them. “Look, Dylan. I trust him, if he does anything at all to put you in jeopardy, I’ll kill him myself.” I sighed, half of me knows Lewis would never intentionally put me in harms way, but this was Oliver we were talking about. I simply

appointed royal beta, before sighing and turning to my boyfriend. “But… I do trust you. So if you say he will be an asset, then I will believe you. “I nodded, then turned to Ryan Clarke who just looked at me with raised eyebrows,

you and the royal beta… you know, it actually, sort of makes sense. I think you’re both well suited.” I shrugged and walked towards hẩm,

Make sure to Mention the smuggling trade to the alphas, you know more about

smiled at me,


own horn?! Sign me up.” He chuckled doing a typical “macho man‘ pose

in amusement and watched as his face dropped in fake hurt. “Clarke don’t get into any trouble ok. I can’t see anyone else I care about get hurt.” Clarke w essentially a brother to me, and I was very grateful to have hime care of yourself, and I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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