Chapter 0335

Chapter 0335

“Dylan… be careful… and don’t forget that you are so much stronger than you believe… I love you… I love you so much.” Obviously it wasn’t a final goodbye, I mean we would see each other again in a few weeks time, and we had used last night to truly say farewell to each other, but now that we were actually about to part from one another, I felt my chest go heavy. I didn’t want him to go.

“I…” the words got caught in my throat, I wanted to say it back, I wanted nothing more than to express to him just how much he meant. to me, he may have fallen for me first, but I undoubtedly fell harder for him, however now that the time had come to say those three words, they stopped in my throat. The few people that were present as an audience shouldn’t get to witness me saying those words, not the first time I say them anyway. I should also be done when we aren’t departing from one another. No… I would save my declaration for when we got back, for when we were alone. “I’ll miss you.” I gave him a huge squeeze of a hug, and felt his lips at the top of my head.

“I’ll miss you so much more.” We broke apart and I felt cold at his absence, the mate bond truly was a powerful thing, but I couldn’t help feel like we made our own choices, that without that magical bond, we still would have found each other.

I sighed, turning my back to the love of my life and meeting Olivers shocked gaze. I glared at him, hatred clouding every inch of me as I slipped the backpack that rested on my shoulder off and threw it at the poor guy. “Ye can carry the bags.” I left no room for argument as I began to walk away from the farewell party.

testing one on each of his shoulders, as we walked to


been to,

refused to look at my pack mules face. That was what I had decided he would be, a simple pack mule, carrying the bags and performing anything I may require. He

accompany me.

something I need to say to you.” He gently placed his palm on my lower arm and sighed when I instantly flinched

stop in my tracks and I turned to the loyal beta in front of me. His lip made its way between his teeth and his eyes met mine. “I was wrong…” he repeated, stepping towards me testing my response to his

to invoke pain, or sorrow onto her.” He allowed his eyes to meet the floor, and his feet fidgeted in his shoes. “What King Josh

I spat at

the obvious.

Your mate belongs to you, so you could do whatever you desired too, but after finding Vee, I now know that, that is just not the case.” Ok,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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