"Equality? You look like you've been puked on by a ghost. If you have really spoken to her, then it's safe to assume that your change is down to her... Wait... Holy shit? Are you actually a Lycan now?" I could see how it may look like it, I truly couldn't deny that my change was radical, not only was my hair a dead giveaway that something mystical had occurred, but my muscle and my knowledge was proof.


"No, I have just been gifted the knowledge of the wolf hunters. I can kill him now... Jack... I know I can kill him." There was no hint of a lie in my words my honest option was that I could beat the king. Whether his death goes hand in hand with my own was another matter

"Ok, so what would you like from me?" The exact same thing that had always been planned.

"Our plan stays the same, it just needs to be brought forward slightly. You attack when we do." He nodded his head, and hung up quickly most likely to begin preparations for his own attack on the oppressive Lycan forces.

I took a deep breath as soon as the rebel was gone from my screen. My chest still remained heavy, and my mind raced with endless possible outcomes from what was about to transpire.

tone was soft, as I turned to meet his gaze while it

into the lions den, with barely enough weapons that could actually make a difference to a Lycan. I grabbed the silver bulleted gun out of the draw in Gilliards desk, and holstered it in the waistband of

Traitors? I doubt Oliver had actually caused this,

wasn't too long ago that I would have been the first person to

of all people, gets taken. He's lucky I didn't throw him out

have turned me in when he had the chance, not Lewis. Instead Oliver saved my life when we went to speak to the packs, now that he's found out Vee is his mate, I think he wants a world we're he knows she'll be as safe as he is." I couldn't see the possibility of

course, I understood the concerns, it just didn't make any sense why he would do it now, and

we can't afford to lose someone like him." Gilliard nodded but still didn't like the idea. I could tell he had a lot

people are counting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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