giving yet another one of his horrendous speeches, however, it was his words that enticed me more than I care to admit.

On my way down to the packs dungeons, I became completely distracted by the blasting voices coming from the large tv in the sitting room. I made my way in cautiously and was greeted by non other than King Josh's smug face plastered on the screen. He appeared to be "Obviously the closed sectors border has been a large concern for both myself and my family, as such I have taken it upon myself to investigate and help to find a solution that would allow the border to once again open..." I heard him continue from where he had obviously started before I arrived. "It came as quite a shock to find out that not only was the border compromised by a group or rebels, but leading that group was non other than my previously appointed beta!" Lots of chatter began around the lounge as wolves and humans alike watched the screen, with both fascination and worry clouding their features.

"Is it true that the once lord beta, held the scent of the queen Luna?" One of the news crew asked in pure curiosity.

That is true. It is my understanding that not only was my beautiful mate stolen by the rebels, but she has been held captive by Lewis for these past few months. Justice shall be sort, and I pray now that we have him, the truth will come to light." Truth my ass, everything out of the kings mouth was complete nonsense and drivel. Captured? Had the world forgotten how I set fire to the punishment stage? Destroying the lashing posts and

to the reporters and all I could do was roll my eyes. Whatever the punishment may be, it was fairly certain that his grace would make a spectacle of it. Broadcasting it for

choice, is breaking almost all the laws of old..." What would Lewis be put through? Was he about to be

defy us all... we are superior... And so I announce that Lewis... when the moon his high and round, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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