
Chapter 11

The Path is not a creation of any mortal kind, not even the Chal, at the height of their strength could affect such a change to our world. No, the Path descended from above, and it has illuminated the way forward for the world ever since. The Path sees no race, colour or creed, it embraces all and in return all must embrace it.

The Path is our road to ascension, to a greater state of being, the system will uplift us, but only if mortal kind is united will we be able to pursue the Path to its final destination.

Exert from the Holy Book of the Path.

Yesterday was a little too hectic for my tastes I have to say. It’s my dearest wish that today will be a little more calm. My only aim is to try and secure one more biomass so I can mutate my eyes to +3 and then perhaps relocate my nest to a location a little more distant from the surface.

However it doesn’t appear as if my day is going to as peaceful as I’d hoped.

Why on earth are there all these soldiers out here!?!

When I emerge from my nest and move into the cavern there are already human soldiers everywhere! They are moving systematically around the cavern, luring monsters out of their side tunnels and exterminating them with superior force. From my position huddled on the ceiling in the shadows I can see they’ve established some sort of formation around the water pool. Wooden tripods extend over the water surface and hanging from each is some sort of crystal or device that appears to be absorbing light from within the water?!

What on Pangea is this fancy technology? What are they absorbing? What are these funky crystals?!

More importantly, how am I getting out of here alive!?

The cavern has been completely occupied by them! Even if I try and rely on my stealth, I’ve already seen the monster detecting equipment they have available. I’d be stupid to think I could sneak past, and even If I could, there is only the large tunnel down halfway up the tunnel for me to head to, but that is clearly how they are going to advance further into the dungeon!

Can I hide in my nest successfully?

No, I don’t think so. When they see all the dirt I’ve shifted into the tunnel they may even realise that it’s the work of a monster and start to clear it out. Possibly they already have knowledge of that tunnel and will realise something is off when they notice the dirt obstruction!

In that case, what the hell am I supposed to do?!

Stupid humans!

There is only one option left available to me, but that choice is almost certain death! I have to escape past my nest and further into the tunnel towards the area I saw my first Croca-beast!

Isn’t this a classic case of out of the frying pan and into the waiting jaws of doom?!

torches to illuminate shadows and identify every stray nest and tunnel that may be hiding. I haven’t got much time left before they make their way to

work so hard? Take a break

choice. Time to face

My heart pangs a little as

It was only for a few days, nest, but we had good times. If I’d had a few

birth nest then that may be the safest place for me. I’ve already seen the kind of reception I get from surface society in this world (it wasn’t great), so maybe it’s time I try and get

I possibly have been dragged before I was born? The nest may

positive Anthony! Charge forth and find the queen! That

will do so in a safe way, without being

unexplored side of this tunnel. I haven’t been out here since the first day I awoke in this place and saw one of my brethren being chomped to death by a horrible,

changed a little since then though! I’m level two now, have a

of my claws and begin to carefully make my way forward. My antennae are waving in all directions and my eyes are staring hard at every shadow

along the wall are glowing more brightly and are pulsing with slightly more frequency than they did

the corner around which I saw I


no monster, please

a peek and thankfully there


beast that did the eating. For now the tunnel seems to continue to a wide curve to the left (my right since I’m

is fantastic news! Take me away from

boldly whilst sneaking the entire

the air. Only a hundred meters further into the tunnel


try to determine if one

nearby, and despite wiggling with all their strength

not happy about this setup. One of these tunnels could mean instant death! BOTH of


to improve Antennae? This

Do it!


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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