
Chapter 12

This is an exciting development! The colony is calling me, lighting the beacon to bring long lost Anthony home!

Still, let’s not get carried away. Remember what happened the last time you got carried away, Anthony? You still haven’t returned to max HP!

After inspecting the source of the scent on the tunnel floor, I immediately move back to my comfortable stealth position on the ceiling and continue down the tunnel. I’ll have to continue down this path until I can pick up the trail somewhere.

The tunnel itself is becoming more irregular in direction, zigging and zagging through the earth, even as it continues its downward slope.

As I move I’m beginning to feel vibrations in the air from down the tunnel. Something is definitely happening in front of me. I must proceed with all caution!

Thirty metres ahead the tunnel splits once again. I’m starting to feel that these tunnels and caves are going to be splitting into a very messy network of tunnels. This is going to be hard to keep track of.

[Tunnel sense has reached level 2]

This is what I’m counting on! According to its description this skill helps maintain a sense of direction whilst underground. I suspect because of this effect I’ve been able to know which way the tunnel is sloping or curving almost without having to think about it. I’ll have to depend on this to help me navigate and remember which way is which.

Since I can’t detect any pheromone trail from either tunnel and one seems no safer than the other, I decide place a mark in the ceiling right at the split which indicates which direction if have taken. If I create and maintain a simple set of symbols to mark the tunnels it will hopefully help my memory.

After scraping a simple arrow into the rock with my mandibles I move down the right hand path.

Ten minutes later I have returned to the juncture.

Well then! Not going down that way anytime soon! It hadn’t taken long for me to discern something was wrong with that tunnel and without having to travel far I encountered an area wherein the tunnel widened slightly creating a sort of hollow that had been occupied for a group of wolf lizards. Five of them were lounging on the rocks, gnawing on bones of what appeared to be recently killed prey. I wasn’t prepared to try and sneak past them so I turned my tail and returned.

What symbol should I use for instant death?

In the end I scratch a rough X for danger and a ~ shape next to my mark for the right tunnel to try and represent the wolf lizard tail before marking the left tunnel and moving into it.

path is a

seems quite safe, almost pleasant, as tunnels


process of walking, one foreleg poised in the air


see, barely see, a thin, silvery line

and place it down before taking a few steps back and examining what I

eyesight there is no way I would have

is a web of whisker thin strands stretched across the tunnel. I had been so close to walking headfirst into a

Monster spider! I shiver.


Not an honest, straight forward worker like an ant. If I

any spider on this web, but

this tunnel or back to the family of wolf lizards and try and sneak through. Since I don’t like my odds of sneaking I may have to try and gather some information about this

I practice using my mandibles to toss them a short distance, the hard impact sound of rock on rock echoes through

up a few rocks close to the web. Swinging my head I lob a rock at the web. The stone impacts the strands, causing the entire web to shake but it doesn’t stick and falls to the ground.

much easier to see, a neat pattern covering the whole of the tunnels width.

it was moving on the ceiling, the show off! One leg and then the next emerges from the shadows as the monster appears to inspect

(clearly too many) support its fat bulbous body as it moves forward and begins to

like me. I have three body segments (head, thorax and abdomen) and six legs whilst a spider has eight legs (yuck)

lower on the food chain! Looking closely, it appears

and onto the web itself, inspecting the strands more closely. An idea is beginning to form in my mind. Let’s just wait a little for our

the cause of the disturbance, meanwhile I am carefully pointing my rear at the

Hold .... Hooooold..... Fire!


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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