
Chapter 22

The centipede is crushed into the stone floor of the cavern. Deep cracks appear on its carapace after the kinetic force rips through its body, shattering the hard outer skeleton.

I’m stunned.

That was one fearsome strike! If I was hit by that I’d be squashed into a pancake, no doubt about it.


The centipede doesn’t seem to have fared much better, it twitches on the ground, barely moving. The hound steps forward slowly, a murderous glint its eye. Almost as if its thinking ’take that you bug, how dare you threaten my greatness!’.

Before it can deal the finishing blow however something unexpected happens.

Sizzling acid streaks through the air and sprays down the hounds’ left flank, immediately burning into its flesh.



Sorry to interrupt your proud moment there hound, but I don’t want this battle to end just yet.

Of course, one blast of acid isn’t enough to finish off a hound, but the same is also true for the centipedes.

The Claw Centipede I hit earlier has now recovered enough to once more join the fray. It advances cautiously to reinforce its three unharmed brethren against the two healthy hounds.

This is the critical moment. With one centipede essentially down for the count but still living and one wounded hound the battle has become very even.

The centipedes seem a little unwilling to proceed with the fight now. They continue to posture aggressively but don’t actively make any moves to attack against their larger opponents.

The hound I injured is mildly wounded by my acid but not badly enough to keep it out of the fight, disregarding the source of the acid it returns to the aid of its allies in fending off the swarming assailants.

At that moment.


It howls miserably as the burning liquid strikes it once again,

tiny legs skittering so fast the creatures almost seem to flow

trying to dislodge the attacker before swinging its vicious tail around to slam the centipede away. Too late

the roof and

and fangs. When

wear. Of the four centipedes, one is hanging on by a thread

to sense its demise, pushes further into the fray. Emboldened, the remaining hounds also press forward on the

slain Level 3

[You have gained XP]

with the mandibles the almost dead centipede is finished and I quietly

reaching a climax now on

forward with their poisoned spikes over and over again, trying to

put up any kind of fight

critical moment allowing

does so. Enduring the pain, the hound pours all of its momentum into a massive swipe of the tail, catching

stunned creatures can barely move after the incredible force has

wounded centipede and the burned hound, both are severely injured, barely able to put up a fight. Slowly they circle

hound is limping, its forelegs are badly bitten by this point, the centipede isn’t much better, several legs

two monsters quickly converge and bite forward, latching onto each other. The centipede has gripped the

Who will hold on?!

gradually collapse, completely spent, unable to

the shadows I behold a scene of ridiculous carnage. The three hounds have collapsed, exhausted and on the verge of


dancing in the palm of my hand

with my own eyes, I still cannot quite comprehend

of these creatures are on a sliver of health. Effectively 1 HP. This

I lived in a normal society and

being here for a few days I have already become accustomed to battles just like this. Being forced to fight and take the life of your own

my mind I justify it by saying they aren’t people but monsters, but, isn’t

to secure the last hit

efficiently I move from hound to hound, using my mandibles to apply bite attacks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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