
Chapter 23

As quickly as possible I start chowing down, trying to get as much Biomass as I can.

[You have consumed a new source of biomass: Lupus Draco Cub, you are awarded one Biomass]

[Basic profile of the Lupus Draco Cub unlocked]

[Lupus Draco Cub: Wolf Dragon Cub, The young form of the fearsome Wolf Dragon, they have a high resistance to flame]

Good to know, looks like these creatures are only the young? Crazy.

Must keep eating!

The sounds are slowly growing louder now, I still can't see anything but I have a terrible feeling I know exactly what is coming my way.

If I only I had an extra hour, even ten minutes would be enough! Don't think, just eat!

[You have gained one Biomass]




[You have gained one Biomass]

Dammit, I'm starting to feel too full to eat. I've consumed an entire wolf dragon at this point, my stomach is full to bursting!

Wait! I just remembered a disgusting thought… Something I recall learning due to my hobby of keeping a pet ant colony at home.

Ants have two stomachs…. Scouts and workers don't always carry prey back to the nest. Sometimes they eat and fill up their 'social stomach' and then walk back to the nest and regurgitate the food for other ants to eat.

If I recall correctly, honeypot ants take this to a massive extreme, where some worker ants will turn themselves into living storage containers, their gaster swelling to ridiculous sizes as they stay in the nest and give food to their hungry colony.

So if my personal stomach is full….

Time to fill the social stomach!

Each more!

start wolfing down food

work faster. I can make

one more Biomass and then



have gained one

Finally! Thank you Gandalf!

get back to my nest and down the shaft and quickly as

speed, only to find my back section is too heavy, weighed down by all

Don't do this to

my little legs will carry me I crawl and

I'm so damn heavy!

climb you

my nest is. I can hear the roar of monsters as they throw themselves into battle and the shouts and clash of arms of human soldiers as they rip the

my nest now,

too! Soldiers are starting to come


yourself up this

are appearing up the tunnel, advancing in organised groups they are blasting every monster they see apart with coordinated fire, moving to side tunnels launching magic and arrows down them before

This is an extermination!

can up to my dirt wall. I pass through the gap I left at the ceiling, but

section is too fat to fit through the gap! Dammit! I've got

I mean, pull

wall as hard as I

I get through, the sudden momentum causing me to lose my grip and fall off the ceiling, landing flat on my

now, I'll spend my Biomass quickly and then

+3 and Legs

Go for it!

erupts, especially in my acid gland but I don't wait for it to subside,

crawl to the shaft and start making my way down, my increased weight slowing my descent more than I'd like. I'm having to carefully shift my bulky backside, making sure I'm properly

Legs will be able to sustain my bulk

I'm almost halfway down a muffled boom echoes down the shaft above, followed by dirt cascading

to realise what has

dirt wall! This means they're coming past my nest and will

redouble my efforts, accelerating down the wall at a dangerous pace, my claws begin to slip and slide as I risk unsafe footholds on the wall to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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