
Chapter 35

Now I have even more reason to try and level up quickly so I can evolve. Once I’ve been able to do that I can reclaim those monster cores and use them to reinforce my own.

The longer they stay buried the more nervous I’ll be that they’ll get discovered, either by the humans using some magical means I’m not aware of or perhaps another monster will sniff them out somehow.

I have to evolve, I have to do it now!

First I have to find something I can hunt. Too many creatures are still beyond my means to fight, even though I’ve come a long way in many areas I still haven’t gained too much combat strength. My heavy Biomass investment in my eyes doesn’t directly increase combat strength, nor does a lot of my skills, or even my reinforced monster core that now stores 20 MP.

I can feel the monster core within, burning away with more intensity than ever before. It’s also definitely increased in size. It almost feels like having a burning stone in your gut, but in a nice way.


It doesn’t really matter though since I can’t use my MP to do anything useful at the moment. Hopefully once my Mana Manipulation skill has reached level five I might be able to purchase new skills to unleash my magic potential.

For now I’ll have to make do with my acid and my mandibles.

I do have a target in mind, at the very least, I know I can probably fight them and I know they are somewhere nearby.

It will be difficult though, they never fight fair.


Back at the lake I saw a large tangle of the basic Claw Centipedes. If I can find a small group of two, possibly three, I may be able to take them on my own.

I’ll have to be careful that none of the larger, evolved centipedes are anywhere around, I’m certain that those could crush me easily.

Having decided on a course of action I make my way back to the lake in a wide circle, I do *not* want to run into those hunters, even though I wish I could see their faces when they get back to camp.... Heheheh.

I manage to sneak back to the lake and appear essentially on the opposite side to where the hunters had been fighting, close to where the Titan-Croca is still chilling.

What is with this guy? Doesn’t he need to go out and hunt? It’s possible he already has, I suppose, whilst I was away. This guy seems to spend a massive amount of time relaxing regardless.

another pile of centipedes at the lake right now. Seriously, I hate the way these creatures pile on top of each other,

Croc I move to the water and get a few sips in, filling my mana back up to full whilst

streak away from the lake at full speed, all headed in

of the horrible things


I don’t’ have to stay quite as close to keep a good eye on them as I did before. I’m a bit nervous though, moving at this pace it’s

in the forest. The mound is about two metres high and there are several holes around the outside. Almost without slowing down the bustling caravan of centipedes I’ve been following


I’ve found their

a safe distance I circle around the nest, especially watching the holes. Thankfully I don’t see any that seem particularly large, so there may not be any of the massive, evolved

try to keep an eye on the nest and the forest at the same time, it’s possible a hunting party could return to the nest

doing a full circle, I think the mound is probably five metres in diameter but I suspect that the nest itself extends underground. At least eight centipedes are in there already and I’m guessing there are

legs and claws inside

why I’m going to hunt

is to wait. I don’t plan to dive into the nest and trash the joint, getting myself immediately eaten. I’ll bide my time until a smaller group leaves, either to visit the lake or to hunt. The odds will be against me but I’m hoping that in a two on

up a tree where I can remain perfectly still , maximising my stealth bonus and keep an eye on the nest. When my target


Any minute now.


something you

has been absolutely no action from this mound. What the heck are

minutes later I get excited when I hear a noise but then I realise that a group of six centipedes

group of five

of seven head

Then nothing.

two groups come

Then nothing.

you idiot centipedes?! How

frustration a group of four clamber out of the mound, claws clacking, before


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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