
Chapter 36

It doesn’t take long for the two uninjured Claw Centipedes to notice my provocation. Seeing a lone hatchling ant they are unafraid and charge towards me with all of the speed their many legs can muster!

Just as I’d hoped.

As soon as they approach I turn and run away, but not too far.

I speed directly to a tree I’d spotted earlier and upon reaching, grasp tightly with my claws and scale directly up!

The two enraged centipedes begin their ascent just behind me, clacking and snapping at my heels. In the distance their two injured allies are recovering and beginning to make their way towards us.

I turn my head slightly to eyeball the frenzied monster climbing the tree directly behind me?

Getting a good look are you centipede?

Maybe you shouldn’t be quite so close to what some of my enemies have come to know as the Business Zone!


Point blank acid jets directly into the centipedes face!

The monster instantly shrieks and drops off the tree, rolling in the dirt at the base.

That leaves only healthy centipede on the tree with me. One on one. Ant to .... Gross bug thing.

The tree gives me a slight advantage in that the most deadly weapon of the centipede, the poison stinger, will be much more difficult to use here. I’m not sure they can support their bodies on this vertical surface if they were to let go with enough legs to bring the spike overhead.

Which means this will be a claws vs mandibles showdown.

The remaining foe continues to charge upwards, claws pinching and clacking as it advances towards me. The claws on this one seem a little larger than usual, must have mutated them, dang it.

Nonetheless I brace myself to meet the beast head on.

For a few seconds we nip back and forth, one advancing, the other retreating. I dart forward suddenly, but I lose my footing! A slight stumble at the critical moment!

There is triumph in the eyes of my foe, triumph and a burning rage!

The centipede lunges forward with fangs and claws, ready to deal the knockout blow.

When it strikes, it hits nothing but empty air.

Aha! The perfect feint!

skill is

my grip skill and strong legs giving me

my mandibles wide open. Receive

the bite easily splinters the carapace, crushing the centipedes head completely. Lifelessly


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three to

are not dissuaded by my display of insect dominance and continue to attack. In their simple minds this is still a three on one and the enemy is only

This isn’t good!

myself out onto a branch, moving away from the trunk. At all costs I mustn’t

grip, it’s almost all I can do to hang on properly. Thankfully only one enemy is able to

out on the branch, claws held at the ready.


Just ruddy perfect Gandalf...

you centipede! Once more my mandibles stretch wide and crunch shut on a centipedes head, however this time


sending me freefalling with a monstrous

I use my momentum to swing the creature down into the


time to daze out! Shaking off the impact I scramble my legs beneath me and zero in on the centipede who fell with me. Unable to protect itself when it fell it seems to have ruined several legs upon

level 2

[You have gained XP]

Two centipedes left.

themselves now, but they’ve little choice but to fight, since they have to come down the tree to escape anyway. From the way they move I can tell they want to come at me together and I’m not sure

and mandibles crossed, this is

the tree, claws raised to attack at the first sign of movement. For my part I watch every movement carefully, waiting for the correct

reach the ground at the same time. I


of my rapid escape seems to bewilder my enemies for a moment before they are



is unleashed when they close in on

in that time did you? Thankfully you

tries to cope with his second dose of +4 acid the other shapes up to do battle. I’ve been able to create another one on one situation and I need to finish

this fight and give my opponents the

draws near carefully, feinting and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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