
Chapter 37

I climb back up into a tree and hide amongst the foliage whilst I formulate my next moves. Making things more difficult was my fat abdomen but after some sustained effort I got up there.

Ok then, the first thing to worry about is what to do with my skill point. I could upgrade Digging immediately, or I could wait, hold onto the skill point in case I buy something interesting once Mana Manipulation reaches level five.

After considering for a while I decide to ahead and upgrade Digging. After all, what sort of ant doesn’t prioritise being able to dig!

[Digging -> Excavating. cost 1 sp: Increases the ability to shift large amounts of material in a shorter span of time]


If I need to save a skill point I can always keep the next one. I don’t think I’ll be able to max out Mana Manipulation before I level up again, after all, I’m going to keep on hunting centipedes until I get it.

Once I’ve evolved I’ll feel a lot more confident following the trail back to the colony. Not to mention I can go and absorb those hidden monster cores.

Now the Biomass... Four is such an awkward number! Just one more and I’d be able to take my acid to +5! But using it all now and I could upgrade my mandibles to +4...


In the end I decide to upgrade my mandibles right away. That last fight wasn’t so one sided that feel completely confident going into the next one without any real improvement to my fighting ability.

[Do you wish to improve Mandibles to +4? This will cost 4 Biomass]

Go ahead Gandalf!

My face is immediately on fire.

Just .... Why?

When the mutation is finally done my mandibles have become slightly larger and more menacing looking. These chompers are getting more and more potent all the time!

What sort of upgrade will I be able to get at +5? I can hardly wait. With my Biomass spent and my skill points used I’m almost ready for action. All I need to do is what for my digestion to kick in so I don’t look like I’m dragging an expanded sack behind me as I move.

Whilst I wait I practice my Mana Manipulation a few more times, leaving myself gasping with something of a headache. I feel like it’s getting a little easier to move my mana about but not much.

Since I’m already fairly well hidden up here I may as well take a quick nap to get myself back to full fighting shape.

I awake several hours later, ready for round two.

I carefully make my way back to the centipede mound and once again take up my scouting position high in my tree. If I spend any more time up trees I’m going to into a weaver ant. Those ants bend leaves and stick them together to create a nest.

I’ll stick to digging.

For now though I play the waiting game. There doesn’t seem to be much action, certainly no response that would suggest the members of this colony are upset that four of their number have gone missing. I would guess that it isn’t unusual that occasionally a hunting group would disappear, never to return.

After waiting patiently for several hours and watching a few groups leave and a few others return another contingent of four departs the mound and makes their way towards the lake.

Oh ho!

Going for drink of that sweet, sweet mana water eh? I hope you enjoy that drink. For it shall be your last!

them. I’m not too worried about keeping close to this group, since they are only heading to the lake

ambush and take on this group when they leave the

of the path the centipedes have taken, I want to see

I wait I decide to take a look at the intermediate profile of the Claw Centipede. Perhaps it has some useful

Scolopendra : Claw centipede, has strong claws and a venomous spike in its

Might: 11

Toughness: 14

Cunning: 8

Will: 7]

toughness are quite similar to mine but the cunning and the will are completely in the tank. I shouldn’t be too surprised I suppose. I doubt every hatchling ant has a cunning as high as 25. My guess is that my high

ability to reason and make planned decisions I would have been dead long ago. Not to mention I can easily exploit other monsters with extremely poor

hour later my patience is rewarded, the four centipedes are returning,

visitor? Stay


and aim bonus there is no way I would miss a long centipede moving in a straight line. The arcing stream of acid lands

are immediately enraged, posturing fiercely around their


more centipede is sent thrashing on the ground as they

to the remaining healthy centipedes. Fiercely clacking

are completely provoked, rushing forward to consume this

tree they grasp hold with their many legs and


acidic blessing! The unfortunate victim tumbles out of the

working just

remains on the tree with me. Just like before use my incredible acting skill to feint a slip and the centipede completely falls

this bite the cracked carapace and distorted shape of

out, catching a glancing blow on my head with its claws before I close in

defeated Level 1

[You have gained XP]

three wounded

quickly as the remaining centipedes approach the tree

Good to go!

out to a branch. I

a centipede is directly before me I

as I directly crash into one of their number, biting wildly with Crushing Bite as I

victim and I both fall directly out of the tree, grappling and biting at each other before

my momentum to roll away and back

feet so I charge as fast as I can and attack

Crushing Bite!

as I

has reached level

defeated level

[You have gained XP]

then there

as they descend the tree. I don’t quite feel like I have another acid shot in the tank yet, this is going to have to be done up close

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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