
Chapter 42

I can't believe my hundreds of tiny eyes. What are the heck are you guys doing?! Sure there are more than ten of you but those guys are freaking massive! The Titan-Croc by itself could snap all of you up it two minutes!!

Before I can even think, my feet are moving. I don't understand exactly why but I cannot let these ants get killed, not now, not after I've been searching for so long.

I will not them die today!

Before the two massive monsters can react properly to the new threat I have charged forward, out of my cover and into the open. Digging in my feet I spin quickly to point by back at the two creatures.

Let me introduce you monsters to what is affectionately known as my business district!


I fire off three quick shots without aiming too much, all I want is the beasts to turn their attention to me, hopefully that way my colony mates won't be instantly crushed to pieces.

The three sizzling jets of acid streak through the air, impacting on the two massive beasts and immediately adhering to them, burning into their flesh.

Thankfully these guys are so large I don't have to aim too much in order to hit them, but it would have better if I had been able to target my restrictive acid more carefully, hitting their joints would have reduced their ability to fight even if only a little.

My gambit pays off enough though, the two huge beasts turn their back on the approaching ant force and face this new threat with primeval fury burning in their eyes.


Hey guys!

Any chance you two are pacifists?

These two monsters look like the absolute alphas of this place, I still remember how the Titan-Croc smashed an adult centipede into bits with a single swipe of its claws. Why on Pangera did my ant brethren decide to take on these things?

I seriously hope my ant brothers and sisters are not also suffering from an immensely low Cunning stat, because I deeply question the wisdom of this current course of action!


shot has reached

can charge at me I fire off two more quick shots, both aimed at the Ape. Hopefully the extra acid will restrict its movement

all of my ranged ammunition has been expended now, I have only one shot remaining. Acid is a damage over time sort of effect however, hopefully we can all

kind are still bombarding with their acid, firing spray after spray, I seriously don't want them to draw the aggro so I'm going to have to do something I'll

I charge!

Witness me!

drenched in stinging acid, some of it hardening and sticking to them, they are

they see me running at them they

forward to meet my charge. The ground thunders in response to the sheer

than I'd like

I've seen this before!

just as those massive fists impact, shattering the ground with the sheer kinetic force of the strike. Every ounce of my being is shivering

of rock and dirt from the impact is almost enough to damage

are you, damn

myself for my narrow escape I can see something


searing heat begin burn into me before a catastrophic explosion rocks the ground just beneath

a fireball at me when I dodged the

so good?! Are

was able to dodge

curse my bad luck, I can't afford

have much choice. I activate my regenerative

sensation explodes deep with my body before creeping down my veins and spreading throughout my entire frame. Yeeouch! That feels so weird!

be the healing fluid I'd read about. In the span of a few seconds the freezing, numb sensation has swept through me entirely and as it recedes I can tell I feel better than I did before.

that I've regained five HP

so early in the fight but the regenerative properties of this new organ

thirty seconds so far. I hope that acid

almost seem surprised to see their much smaller opponent still alive after their combined assault. I suppose these guys

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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