
Chapter 43


Desperate to save my allies I turn on the spot and pray I have something still left in the tank.


Once again the sizzling acid streaks through the air. By some miracle my hastily aimed shot is right on the money, splashing into the Titan-Crocs face and then immediately begins to show its restrictive properties, turning sticky as it solidifies in an instant.

The Croc bellows in rage as it swings out with its prepared claw but thanks to its vision being impeded the swing goes slightly wide.

One ant is still caught directly in its mid -section and is instantly killed, torn to pieces by those terrible claws.

The survivors close in and start chomping at the Crocs legs, some of them even climbing up the monsters body to attack other places.

Why did I never think of that?!

The two massive monsters are still fighting fit however and I can’t be everywhere at once, I’ve done everything I can for the ants taking on the Croc, I have to hope that they can survive on their own for a while. All I can hope to do is take this Ape out of the fight.

My bite seems to have had some effect on the monster, its hideous bat features are twisted in range and pain. Its dark fur, now almost completely matted with burning acid is slowly being stripped away and the creature is carrying its right wrist, not willing to place its full weight on the limb.

This is my chance!

I run at the Ape posturing and snapping my mandibles, the monster equivalent of shouting ’one v one me bro!’

The creature screams, different from before, this high pitched shriek seems to wobble my insides and penetrate my mind, dizzying me and everyone else in range. This feels like some crazy echolation attack! The soundwaves are so strong I can feel my whole body vibrating. After releasing this insane stunning effect the monster once again leaps high, looking to squash me flat whilst I suffer from the effect of the scream.

But. Its. Not enough!

Before he can land I leap once more, this time in a direction he couldn’t expect, directly onto his body! Grip skill can also be used like this monkey brain! As the Ape comes down with shattering force I leap straight at him, clutching onto his upper leg with all of the strength my tiny claws can muster.

With my newly improved Might stat it’s just enough to hold when the monster crashes to the ground.

Thankfully I didn’t neglect to toughen up my inner resistance when I raised my toughness, otherwise I might not have been able to resist the effect as well as I did. If I hadn’t shaken off that stun I’d be ant paste right now. Hopefully the other ants were able to manage ok, I don’t have time to check on them.

Don’t waste any time, bite!

I can feel the energy mounting in my mandibles as they glow brighter and brighter before a bring them closed with tremendous force!

Crushing bite!

Bite has

and squash me or knock me off, much like a human dealing with a mosquito, but I’m already gone.



me off, but I won’t go, I’m holding on with everything

has reached level five,


-> Enhanced Grip, your feet become more resistant to effects that will limit their ability

I’ll take it!

even tighter as I skitter around on his body trying to

neck and before he can react I dig in

has reached level

probably the effect of


Wait a sec....



tremendous electrical discharge flashes all over the Apes body, crackling loudly and

Holy hell!

himself into an electric bug

two of my legs! That seriously hurts... I won’t stop though, this Bat Gorilla is going to

of make out what is happening with the Croc, I think he’s been pulled to

massive creatures where to join forces we’d all

Drenched in burning acid he has very visible burns and wounds that must be excruciating. It should also be mentioned that the Ape isn’t a bug type monster, shielded by a hard carapace or even like the lizards or Crocs, protected by a layer of scales. This Ape has dense fur for protection but under that is skin and muscle, my crushing

be teetering on the edge by

my brothers and sisters! I never had much of a family on Earth, rarely saw my parents and I had no siblings to speak of. Perhaps that is the reason why I want to protect


you and me Ape... Only one

is dripping from the gaping maw of the wounded beast, mad fury burning in its eyes.

regeneration gland has anything left in the tank. If I survive this fight I’m going to upgrade the heck out

next move will decide the battle, I watch the monster like a

you big dumb bat faced piece of Biomass. You’ve got a face not even your mother could love, come over

legs give way beneath me and I

ape howls in glee and dashes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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