
Chapter 44

The origins of the Deep Legion are though lost to history. What is known is thought to have more basis in myth than in reality. Partially this is due to the lack of records that survived the great Cataclysm, particularly here in the Tiberial Confederation.

What is agreed is that at some point during that world shattering event, where monsters from the deepest reaches of the Dungeon roamed free on the surface, causing destruction everywhere they went, a group of individuals gathered to found the Deep Legion.

The organisation grew rapidly, recruiting from the populace and was able to strike effectively and well against the monsters on the surface as well as counter attack into the Dungeon. Nobody can explain why they were so successful where other human forces were not.

To this day, some three thousand years later the Legion persists as independent military organisation that regularly monitor and explore the Dungeon, in some places they are still trusted with a regulatory role, overseeing access to the Dungeon in their customary strict fashion.


Tribune Aurillia stared hard at the captive Mercenaries, bound hand and foot sitting on the ground before her. Two Legionaries stood guard on either side of the ragtag group, hands resting on blades, ready to execute their duty at any moment.

"So you are trying to tell me that a small acid spraying monster ambushed you, destroying your shield as you raided the lake and then followed you back to your camp, stealing a number of monster cores by digging under your wards".

Nystina, the mage, nodded vigorously.

"That's right, I never even managed to see the little bastard."

Aurillia massaged her temples. "For some reason I'm not even that surprised to hear about mercs getting outsmarted by a monster".

shouted, "who ever heard of a monster that smart here in the

exceptionally low cunning. There were a few evolutions that made for large and relatively dangerous foes but almost all of those sacrificed other stats to enable that size and

Dungeon we sent days ago, why is

started shifting their posture and avoiding looking the domineering Tribune

at them internally, what you

think our communication crystal malfunctioned" the mage finally

when you noticed that every other hunting party had vacated the area you didn't find that strange? Or were you too distracted by the profits you could make having the entire expanse to

of the Legionaries standing

forward, crouched and punched the mage viciously across the face before turning to the largest of the fighters and kicking him directly in the chest. The man fell backwards, gasping for air as he lay in the in

the fighters protested, "we're

idiot Merc scum who got greedy and are going to pay

a Centurion awaiting instructions behind her. "Seize any materials from the Dungeon in their

judgement she stared at each of the mercenaries in turn. "If

retreating to their camp after farming cores at the lake. It wasn't unusual for the local mercs to try and

as they did the Mercenary Union started crying foul to the Queen about the Legion abusing

of their camp. The exhausted trainees began pairing up and sparring whilst the commander watched them sternly, barking out instructions when he noticed a

him and explained the strange testimony she had received from

so high up in the Dungeon? Do you think this might be the same one the trainees saw close

moment, chewing over the facts in his own slow and methodical

be two of them. If we agree it's the same one, then how in the hells did this one ant survive our sweep of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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