
Chapter 45

I can feel something under my head. It’s solid, like, a rock? My legs are so heavy as well, how long have I been asleep? I try to stretch my arms out and can’t for some reason.... Where the heck are my arms?


I don’t have arms anymore! Then it all comes flooding back. The fight, the ants, the ape! What the heck happened? Am I alive?

I try to spring up to my feet but a solid force is holding me down. What the heck?! Am I still under attack?

My vision swings wildly before finally settling and I can see an enormous monster above me, pressing me down with one large leg.

Wha!? What is this thing? Don’t eat me! I’m not delicious!

It takes a moment for my head to settle down. I haven’t been harmed I don’t think? The force on my back is pressing me down but not harming me in anyway. I quickly check my status. I’m at about half HP? I remember being next to dead...

Err.. Where did these levels come from?

I’ve gained three whole levels? Is this from the Bat-Gorilla? I don’t really remember how that fight ended...

And as I look closer as this massive monster above me... isn’t it an ant?

Like, a massive ant?

Hang on a second? The QUEEN?

A truly enormous monstrous ant, easily four times my size is standing over me, pressing me down to the ground and watching me as I wake up. Slowly she leans forward and her antennae begin to glow brightly.

When those antennae touch mine I can feel a surge of icy energy sweep through my body. I’m shocked at first but then it reminds of something, my regeneration gland! Is she healing me?

Checking my status I can see that I’ve gained another ten HP. This is a bit of a surprise, the Queen knows healing magic?

Suddenly the pressure from my back is gone and I can stand up. The Queen turns away from me to pick something up in her mandibles and turns back, dropping a huge chunk of monster in front of me. I think this is... the apes arm?!

off some food for me the massive Queen chirps in a friendly manner before turning and wandering off around a

cool down and think about


Why the heck am I so

source of Biomass: Pugnus Fulgur Simiae,

of the Pugnus Fulgur Simiae

powerful but severely lacking in Cunning this monster has a

very stupid. I would hate to run into a monster that powerful with some semblance of smarts, unable to


gained one

That is unheard of? Is it because it’s an advanced creature of some kind? Possibly I was right and it was double mutated, so it provides more Biomass?

of hunting them is real the benefits cannot be denied. If I was able to get a whole one to

this one! No need to

I end up here anyway? And where exactly is

my allies must have dragged me back here to be

Go team!

not sure how I feel... I’ve been through a lot and risked my life multiple times to try and get back to the nest of my colony. Almost everything I’ve seen since I awoke in this place has been trying to kill me, I just wanted to be somewhere I

here! I’m pumped up to

small dirt chamber I notice something else glowing

monster core? As far as cores go this

I move closer.

to reinforce your core or reconstitute

a group of monstrous ants to do... was it the Queen? She does seem a little smarter

hugely important since it will allow to increase my ability further when I evolve


like to

.... Sure?

skills have not

Wait! No!

that gradually reshapes itself. When the process is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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