
Chapter 51

A hoard of workers surround her majesty, some of them even trying to pull her back into the nest to safety. She is so large she fills the narrow tunnel, easily able to resist any attempt to remove her from the battle.

Her intelligent eyes survey the field and I can see a glint of anger as she sees the invading monsters and her fallen workers.

She chitters angrily and gradually light begins to build in her antennae, growing brighter and brighter.

This is far more energy than she used when she healed me, exactly what is she going to do?

Her antennae have so much concentrated mana in them that my eyes hurt looking at them. Whatever this magic is, it’s going to be powerful!

With a cry she releases the pent up energy and it floods into the tunnel. In an instant all of the ants are bathed in light, the magic pouring into their bodies like water.

I feel it instantly, the freezing numb sensation explodes as my body drinks in more and more of the magic. My injured legs have grown so cold they are painful and as I watch they begin to regrow before my very eyes! Slowly at first and then with increasing speed the flesh extends further and further down as I continue to greedily pull in as much healing energy as I can get.

All through the tunnel injured ants are staggering back to their feet and into the fight as their wounds close and limbs regrow with astonishing speed.

What incredible magic! I have no idea how much MP was required to pour out a spell like that but it must have been insanely high! I have to revise my opinion of just how advanced a monster a Queen ant is, she must have a seriously powerful core in order to fuel this kind of magic. Of course, she has the benefit of the workers bringing all of the resources they can to her but it is still extremely impressive.

Along with her healing magic, the mere presence of the Queen has energised the workers in the fight, they have redoubled their ferocity, perhaps driven by an instinct to protect the Queen at all costs.

From my perch on the wall I can see the workers pushing forward relentlessly, biting, spraying acid, not even serious wounds stopping them anymore.

My legs have almost fully regrown now and I can feel that my acid gland has also increased its production rate, enough for me to fire off two more shots!

I aim further back into the darkness of the tunnel and unleash two blasts towards the Berserkers at the very back. That distance is the very limit of my range and I can’t be too accurate but hopefully the painful acid will cause them to strike out at each other, making my life a whole lot easier.

[Improved acid shot has reached Level 5]



Do I have to raise it to level ten before I can upgrade it now? Makes sense I guess...

need to stop expecting the system in this world to make things easy for

regrown it’s time to get

see that the Queen is not advancing further into the tunnel, putting herself at risk, but staying back, watching her colony go

and start making my way back

the front line. Beneath me ants are swarming over their enemies, their

feels like the tide

tunnel. If I can disrupt the enemy back here then

acid attacks I launched have caused ample chaos already, several Berserkers are heavily wounded and others are shrieking, arm blades slick with gore

and drop down onto the back of one of the

monsters. A horrible mishmash of parts assembled into an insane killing machine. Something like this could

put the infused mandibles

floods out of my core and into my mandibles, charging

Crushing Bite!

the monsters back. Ichor gushes out, coating my head in the horrible stuff. The monster shrieks with shattering noise and desperately tries to throw me

denied and I hold on to bite again. More and more crushing bites rip

bite has

have slain level

[You have gained experience]


to have

the most recent victim is distracted, battling against its neighbour. When the creature swings wildly with its


deep into the limb, the sharper parts penetrating right down to

up, stomping the ground beneath with its clawed feet but I’ve already move on towards


has reached level

the Berserker cannot properly maintain its balance and gradually falls to one side, slamming into the

roars and begins lash out once again, rampaging amongst its own

More to the point they don’t seem to be the type of monster that would work together in the first place, why the heck are there so many making

get the experience I continue to bite into the monster until I can deal lethal

defeated level 8

[You have gained Xp]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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