
Chapter 60

What is this madness Gandalf?! Why on earth are these damnable centipedes barging in here?!

I guess it makes sense when I think about it though, the sounds of monster combat have been ringing through this area of trees for quite a while now, not to mention the powerful smell of the freshest food is permeating the area, filling the air with the rich and delectable scent of Biomass.

This place is basically the underground monster equivalent of a supermarket, its shelves laden with heaped goods, the most ripe produce, delivered direct from the farm, fully organic and ready for consumption.

It’s hardly surprising that when the forest is, for whatever reason, pact to bursting with monsters the chaos would attract poachers, frenzied by the very idea of experience and food for the taking. Somewhere nearby there must be a centipede mound, similar to the one I’d preyed upon earlier, because there must be at least thirty of the horrible things here now, slithering and climbing over each other in their desperation to feast.

Perfect, just perfect. All I wanted was to snack on some part wolf part dragon monsters and here we are in some ridiculous melee.

What worries me the most is that this escalation of the battle will only increase the noise and draw even more monsters into the area. The only thing that could possibly make a monster turn a blind eye to this banquet is if a creature with overwhelming strength were to seize control of the field, scaring away competitors with its presence.

If that happens then the colony will miss out on this golden opportunity!

This is feast even larger than what we are able to harvest from the spark chimp tree. The shear wealth of Biomass and experience on offer would fuel the workers to hundreds of mutations, possibly even evolutions! The workers would benefit tremendously, growing in strength and sharpening their skills. Not to mention the food would allow the colony to raise hundreds of new ants.

Greed is exploding in my heart as I take in the sight of the monsters doing ferocious battle. Every single one of them is a bag of Xp and Biomass and I want it all. I want every bit of it.

There is nothing as ravenous as a colony of ants. On Earth regular, tiny ants are so abundant they represent almost 20% of the mass of all animals on the planet. There is no other creature that that consumes more of the world’s tiny life forms than ants, they are the terrors of the undergrowth and all things are their food.

feasting not only on the smallest of lifeforms, but on all of them.

possibilities. Is there really anything that can match us here

is only a few hundred ants,

if there were five, six Queens. What if

unstoppable wave of monsters that

past life, but now that I’m an ant and the colony has become

ants I start to drop the emergency pheromone all around me. Instantly the nearby workers pick up the signal and start

Defend the colony! Summon

ant hill, spreading the trail all the way back to the top of the hill and

if she were to come here. If she were set upon by gargoyles from above or even a giant bruiser like Tiny was or the Titan-Croc, I’m not sure if she would be able to survive, I’ve

all that is on offer here it will explode the colonies strength

itself into my lap I return to battle with renewed purpose. The ants on the fringes of the fight have begun to unload their acid bombardment over our heads, targeting the newly arrived centipedes on the other side of the fight. Blast after blast of sizzling acid

rabbits are in a frenzy, pinned between two hostile monstrous swarms they have no option except to fight their way to survival and they battle with renewed ferocity, biting savagely at

at it, trying to drag it to the ground, the larger beast responds with vicious swings of its tail, sending the unevolved monsters flying through the

each other and on my back at the frontline constantly bite, pulling at the rabbits and dragging them down. I lash out to my left and right every time

yield me the most damage per bite. Every time my mandibles clamp down, biting deep into soft flesh, the

and again the xp notification comes through, the gruff yet soothing voice of Gandalf letting me know that one of victims was finished off

drained away, making me more and more tired. Ever since I first saw my mandibles glowing with power I wondered where that energy came from, if there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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