
Chapter 61

As soon as my confidence was beginning to rise, just when I though victory had been secured, that was the exact moment I was thrown back into the pit of despair.

It always seems to work like that, doesn’t it Gandalf?

I continue to support my colony brethren in the battle for our future. I’m totally exhausted by this point, having bitten so many times the muscles in my face are completely sore. What’s even more irritating is that, in order to support my fellow workers as much as possible I’ve been deliberately wounding my enemies but not taking the extra time to finish them off before moving on to the next target, leaving the crippled victims behind for the rest of the ants to deal with.

Despite my best efforts there have definitely been casualties on the ants side. Without an upgraded carapace like mine their defences were like paper in the face of the rabbit’s fangs and some were instantly killed when receiving a bite to the head.

Others have fallen to the centipede’s claws and jaws, battling in places I couldn’t see or reach in time. My heart is heavy knowing that some of my own siblings have been laid to rest as a result of my own actions. I have to comfort myself with the knowledge that victory will benefit the colony as a whole tremendously, and that is the goal the workers truly strive for at all times.

However, almost as if mocking me, the ground begins to shudder beneath my feet. Powerful vibrations rattle through the ground over and again, surely in response to some rather tremendous feet.

Please don’t tell me...

My despair takes material form when crashing through the trees in an appearance worthy of a final boss is a massive Titan-Croc, flanked on either side by two Croca-beasts, almost like henchmen following their leader.

Why are you stupid monsters so organised in such a dumb way all of a sudden?!

The new arrivals growl menacingly, the rumbles vibrating the air so powerful they send my antennae dancing. The lead Titan-Croc surveys the field of lesser monsters with discernible greed lighting up his eyes. Even for an evolved creature like him, the sheer amount of food here will be enough to fuel his mutation, as well as the two following him.

Lured by the noise and the aroma of Biomass these big baddies have arrived to wrap up the battle and stake their claim over the food here. Not many monsters would be willing to battle such colossal powerhouses, what kind of suicidal creature would take on those kinds of odds?


I refuse to surrender the spoils of war! The colony has already sacrificed precious workers in this battle and I refuse to see us walk away with nothing to show for it because a few fat crocodiles turned up!

only thing that has changed

idea how I’m supposed to deal with these powerful monsters. The Titan-Croc alone could probably fireball us all to hell, not to

in the

Then I see something.

this moment,

she will

the corner of my eye I can see the top of the ant hill begin to shudder, as if a large monster were pushing through the tunnel inside. The very top of the hill shakes, some of the loose dirt collapsing inwards and more spilling out, rolling down the slope as the shaking

of the hill comes an enormous ant, her long antennae swinging angrily through the air as she

rest of her body from the tunnel which was never dug wide enough for her to move through

the battle imperiously from the top of the

here! And she looks

glint in them as she takes in the scene, the pile of wounded struggling ants at the

at the huge interlopers, still eyeing off the battle and awaiting their moment to

will be lost! I wasn’t too concerned when only rabbits and centipedes were about since I

may not be up to the task but the

really have no idea how strong the Queen is

purpose is to lay eggs, which isn’t exactly a combat role, she also has specialised in a healing magic, which again doesn’t lend

I’m really worried!

doesn’t seem to share my concerns as she chitters angrily and after a brief moment of concentration releases her powerful healing spell. A wave of light rolls out from her antennae, flowing over

greedily drink it

into the fight with renewed frenzy. This wave of healing has stamped an end to the hopes of the centipedes in this conflict, already outnumbered the return of injured ants to the combat has only tilted things further against them. Their snapping claws sound despondent and hopeless where before they were aggressive and

three large interlopers, the Croca-Beasts and their apparent leader, the Titan-Croca have seen enough. With the combat reaching an end they want to sweep away whatever resistance

few rabbit bodies are already being taken over to the nest from the back of the battle. Looking at their furious eyes I can almost hear them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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