
Chapter 76

When Tiny notices I'm running forward, about to overtake him, he speeds up!

Stop it you stupid ape! I'm trying to save your damn life!

Oblivious to my good intentions, Tiny is sprinting with all of his ape might, grinning from ear to ear and screeching out his simple minded lust for battle.

Bless you, you idiot.

Gritting my mandibles tight I exert every ounce of my strength into my legs, moving them so quickly they flicker in my eyesight. Is this the legendary shadow step technique?!

It's enough. Triumph surging in my heart I pass my ape companion at the last possible moment and break out of the tunnel and into the open pit.

Ha ha! Take that Tiny you slug!

Oh right, the bear.

Before I have a chance to throw the breaks on I smash into the bear, effectively head butting it rather close to the eye, quite hard due to my impressive momentum. The bear of course is extremely impressed by this action and attempts to repay me by levering its face out of the dirt and biting my head off.


The massive jaws snap shut directly over my head. Thankfully I've learned from past experience and remembered to pull my antennae down when I ducked, I'm not losing my antennae this time!

Ok. Now I'm face to face with a truly terrifying and enormous bear monster. Now that I'm closer to it the scale of the monster is even more impressive. This thing is probably the same size as Tiny or the Titan-Croc, but is most likely even more massive. I suspect this thing weighs even more that Titan-Croc, it's carrying some serious heft.

Watch out! Paw!

Leaping back I manage to avoid a fearsome swipe of the beasts paw, the claws whistling past my face.

Thankfully the monster is considerably restrained in this pit, it's massive upper body and head occupy almost all of the available space, making it rather crowded in here now that Tiny and I have joined the fray.

It would be nice if I try and build up a mana ball to blast this thing but since Tiny has decided to engage in melee with it

In these narrow confines I can only make use of my finest ant-like qualities to make the best of this situation.

Scrabbling up the wall I make my way out of the reach of those fearsome teeth and begin to charge up my infused mandibles. Waves of mana flow from my core, streaming through my body and charging my mandibles with vibrant energy.

Hope you're ready for this, bear!

Crushing bite!


bristling eyebrows of Gandalf, that

like I'm digging into a tree trunk with a knife! This bear is ridiculously tough! Tougher than anything I've come across so far in this place, I can't bite through it, even

free itself from the trap, finally pushing managing to push its paws under its face and

no doubt punching the bear in the eyeball or something else horrifically dangerous. In order to keep the monster distracting I keep biting, hoping to eventually carve through this

I bite


heck is this bear made

feels as tough as nails. My mandibles, aided by the bonus penetrating power of the piercing bite are able to dig deeper than before, but I still don't feel as if

This guy is tank!

the massive monster tries to free itself, I can hear the chirping crackle of electricity. Clearly Tiny has warmed up his fists and is ready to go

bear flashes with electrical light. The bear groans and slumps momentarily as the potent energy

give him



little deeper that time but this bear is a tough nut to crack! I try to pull more mana from my core, drawing it out

headway in extricating itself I decide to jump off the wall and clamber onto its back. Pushing off I latch onto the beasts fur with all six of my claws, holding fast even as I'm rocked back and forth. I

to deal some

causing them to be crackling with intense power, I

punches into the bear's side I


do you like

bear doesn't seem to mind all that much at all. The restrictive acid is doing its job, hardening and sticking to everything that it hit. I can see it sizzling and

think he's too damn strong for the restriction to be effective and his hide is

this bit doesn't work then I hope I can grab Tiny in my mandibles and drag him into the tunnel where the bear can't follow because me might

might have to be the forceful mana shout but I'm not sure I can fight

just bite now and worry about

Piercing chomp!


my mandibles gouge into the bear


has reached level

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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