
Chapter 77

I’ve finally done it.... FINALLY!

I played the patient game, minimised my risks, limited my exposure and it slowed me down for sure but I’ve finally reached this point. I’ve been so tempted! Gandalf knows how tempted I’ve been! I could have just dashed out of the tunnels and into the forest, battling monsters with reckless abandon!

It would have been glorious, a sea of battle and endless challenge. Only a true monster would be able to rise above that struggle to evolve, this the choice of the brave, the bold and the courageous!

Also the choice of the idiot!

I, Anthony, am not an idiot! The proof is in the pudding! I am alive and I have reached level ten without drawing unwanted attention to myself or putting the colony at risk! Who could possibly argue that I made the wrong decision?


Honestly I’m extremely delighted right now.

Tiny is giving me a look of betrayal, as if I’d stolen candy straight from his hands. Are you that addicted to kill stealing from me you cheeky monkey?!

Cheer up Tiny, we are going to have plenty of Biomass for the moment!

As pumped as I am to evolve we have to deal with everything in order, things must be in their proper place before evolution can occur. For now we have an enormous bear worth of Biomass that we need to deal with.

For starters, this bear is so damn big we can’t just drag it down into the tunnel in one piece so the unpleasant task of butchery falls to me. Thankfully now that the monster is no longer alive its unnatural toughness is somewhat reduced, so despite being rough going I eventually manage to get all of the food down into the tunnel. Then I take a few more moments to reset the cover for the pitfall.

Down in the tunnels Tiny is already drooling all over himself, ready to start cramming his face. There is so much food down here it is taking up an inordinate amount of space. No way we finish all of this in one go.

May as well get to it!

Om nom nom.

[You have consumed a new source of Biomass: Ursus Terra Tyrannos; you are awarded one Biomass]

[Basic profile of the Ursus Terra Tyrannos unlocked]

[Ursus Terra Tyrannos: Earth Bear Tyrant, This monster is known for its extreme toughness and strength. Surprisingly fast, this beast is ferocious and easily aggravated. Known for its affinity to the earth and natural environs this monster has powerful regenerative abilities.]

these regenerative abilities though? Perhaps Tiny zapping him with electricity

any rate, he’s

Tiny and I are groaning and full I’ve managed to stow away seven points of Biomass from the bear, which takes me up to 15. Despite this, we’ve

a nice nap I start transporting the remainder down the tunnel to the colony. On the third trip I’m met on the way by a fellow mature worker ant. There seems to

in my own pet colony when I was a human.

approaches me head on, stops, and then we engage in a short moment of

a vague feeling we are generally pleased to see each other and then off he goes, exploring down the tunnel towards the traps, probably following the scent of the Biomass I’ve been

the same worker on the way back to the traps, apparently they had little trouble finding the rest of the food and has started transporting it back to the

traps to provide food for the colony. If I set and bait the traps and leave, there will probably be some workers hanging about looking for food due to the trails. When a monster falls into the pit, these workers will immediately attack and call for reinforcements, with which they should be able to take on most monsters without

much better than I

taken care of it’s time to take care of the next order of business. I need to spend my

take my pheromones from their current +2 all the way to +5, which will leave me with three, enough to

prior to evolution, I don’t think it would make much difference to anything but for the sake

choosy Anthony! Be grateful for what

Ok, here we go!

want to mutate pheromones to +5 and legs to +2?


choose a mutation advancement, please select

must be some juicy choices for

menu in my mind doesn’t fail to impress, an almost extravagantly long list of possible upgrades to choose from each with its own pros and cons. Longer lasting

crap! There are so many ridiculous options! Control your saliva Anthony! Preserve your dignity as

more and more juicy choices appearing every moment. Who would have thought the pheromone gland would have such a wide variety

I’m not sure I

variety of pheromones produced and increases the sophistication of the


could ....

would wonderful to be able to talk, even if I’m just talking to myself! I don’t have vocal chords, the best I’ve managed so far is to snap my mandibles at things in an attempt to express

this particular upgrade

it up who knows if I’ll be able to find another option? Perhaps at some point telepathy will come up as a brain upgrade or a type

let this chance slide,

the Pheromone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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