
Chapter 79

Now that I know I can talk to my colony members, even if they can’t talk back, I don’t hold back and start to throw words at every worker I meet on my way into the nest.

"Hey, how are yor?"

Still needs a bit of work on that one.

"Hoos that work goging for yar?"

So close!

"Blice to see you ablarn".

Nearly had it!

As I wander about cheerfully greeting the ants around me they typically respond in the same way, by turning and tapping me about the antennae before going back on their way.

I’m not really fussed by the lack of response to my blather, just talking and getting the hang of my new mutation is reward enough for me.

Checking in on the brood I can see the little grubs are looking a little larger and a little less sad than they were before, pleasingly plump and growing they’ll become new workers soon enough.

After shouting "See you flater!" to the workers I make my way down to the Queens chamber. By this time I’ve gotten used to saying whatever is on my mind to every ant I see so when I walk in front of the Queen, who is standing still and accepting a grooming for her attendant workers I give a friendly wave of the antennae and say "Hey there! How’s it hambing Queen?"

The enormous ant turns her head slowly and ponderously before looking down at me with her large, unblinking eyes.

"Hambing?" she said.




She can talk?

The Queen continues to look down at me quizzically as I stare dumbfounded.

"Hambing?" she asks again.

This sensation of talking and listening using scent is very different to what I’m used to. When the Queen speaks I’m finding my antennae are not only able to distinguish the words she is speaking but also the difference in tone and voice. Her voice sounds patient and warm.

try and not make a

your, uh,

turning away and once again becoming still as the workers continue to groom

as a mutation advancement or is it something that she gets for being a Queen? Does it really

moment I try to

uh. How

the best I can come

the Queen troubles herself to turn back and face

Are you

giddy. A conversation!

uh, I’m good!

am glad" she says, before

get some advice?" I

me, patiently waiting for my words. Actually talking to a giant monster ant is a little more difficult than

keep in mind that the Queen isn’t human and unlike me, she never was. I’m not exactly sure how her mind works, what it is that is important to her. She’s probably not even that old, I mean, technically in this world I’m less than a

ready to evolve! I just wondered if you, uh, had any advice on what I should

I was starting to think I might need to repeat the question when eventually her antennae reached down


"Uh.... Yes?" I respond.

Choose as you wish, and continue

I’m not certain what evolution

amusement in the words of the Queen as

lives of

the head with her antennae. I think

start to make my way back to my

have to say that what the Queen had

one you pick, as long as you use your new power to assist the growth of the

just comes

I want to a commander or do I want to be a magic


mean, when I think about it

we are talking about... MAGIC. I could lord over the battlefield like a friggin’ god if I can throw fireballs

want to be a magic user for

ant is the

I left


time on your doubt Anthony!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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