
Chapter 80

So which magical energy type to choose?

Death sounds awesome, an unstoppable tide of undead ants would be cool but my own family would need to be killed first! Plus there may be a chance I’ll end up zombified like the death rabbit! No thanks!

Time? I mean, time would be amazing but how the heck would it work? Stopping time? Speeding up time? Travelling through time?!?! Maybe too complicated.

Entropy? Perhaps a bit too grim and macabre.

I want something I can use in a fight but also something that has some utility to it, something I can make use of outside of combat in a significant way.

I will always choose the all-around option!

No weak points is my motto!

Perhaps it is wasteful to think this way but I just don’t like the idea of something that has only one purpose. I want options dammit!

Illusion? Too artsy. I was always terrible at mental imagery and drawing.

Space? Could be amazing but I’m not certain it’ll be fighty enough.

Healing is tempting but won’t help me out much when I’m on my own.

Chaos? Sounds a little.... Unpredictable?

Mental would almost certain allow telepathy of some kind... I’m not quite as starved for conversation now that I have the pheromone language though... There is always a chance I’ll be able to gain this ability another way without spending this precious selection on it. I’ll pass on this for now.

Maybe.... Maybe this one?


I feel like it has potential!

Gandalf have

for the creation and exertion of push and pull

it out of gravitational energy? Would I be able to push monsters away

lift them into the air and then

I make myself

crush my

squishing them into a tiny little ball?! Compacting the Biomass into a super dense

I like it

I’ll pick this one!

that selection out of the way I need to decide what

got cash to spend and I’m gonna make use of

so high the cost of five cunning is extreme, much higher than spending on might. Just by my feeling I estimate that +5 cunning would cost as

the might stat is effectively just adding more muscle, bone and sinew whereas making changes to cunning involves creating and connecting millions of neurons to

do what

The evolution menu assists and guides my thoughts as I try to shape what I want. A small, additional brain to help bare the mental load of shifting and shaping mana. Practicing my mana skills been so mentally demanding that the rate of progress is too slow. In addition, practicing these skills leaves me so tired that I can’t reasonably be levelling these skills and doing something else at the same time. To raise my skills all the way I’d have to become a recluse

with this second brain I’ll be able to reduce the strain and be able

resulting in an overall gain of +7 to my cunning. There isn’t any point investing in this brain if it isn’t able to perform its job properly so I gave a significant amount of extra kick in there to make sure it can take the load I’m

take a quick look at the aura organs and their cost in energy is simply staggering! For a moment my heart

for this evolution is building the magical

fruit to pick. I turn my attention instead to the Will stat.

a good chunk of energy on my Will,

left to spend and I apportion it evenly

to emphasise size over density, going for a 3 to 1 ratio. This will make me significantly larger than before but gives a higher raw stat boost. For toughness I make the

Anthony is tanking up!

with these upgrades I’ll be physically capable of holding my own against most monsters before my magical abilities can level

I take a step back

Name: Anthony

Level: 1 (core)

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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