
Chapter 95

This is it. To save as many members of the colony as possible I have no choice but to fight!

Come on then Bear! Let’s see how you go!

Pushing off all six legs I leap high onto the bear’s back. These stupid Earth Bear Tyrants are a pain in the neck to kill with their innate toughness and regeneration, but I was able to kill one before I evolved so I’m sure as heck going to kill one now!

Mandibles fiercely glowing I crunch down on the bear’s back!

Piercing Chomp!

The mana charged mandibles, powered by every ounce of strength I can summon from the musculature of my face dig deep into the bear’s hide.


Enraged by this sudden strike the Earth Bear Tyrant twists its massive body, trying to see what creature has dared to strike at it in such a manner.

It’s me, fool!

Piercing Chomp!

[Piercing Chomp has reached level 5]

Unrelenting, I draw out yet more mana into my mandibles and chomp down again, by jaws biting ever deeper into the bear’s indomitable hide.

The bear is seriously angry now, not to mention in severe pain. My second piercing chomp has penetrated deeper through the bear’s defence, making it more vulnerable. In response, green energy flashes through the monster’s hide and I can see the wound I’ve caused visibly closing before my eyes, even as the bear reaches back to try and claw me from his back.

Not happening Yogi!

Focusing my will, I draw out more mana from my core, forcing it into my mandibles until they hurt.

Crushing bite!

This time I target the wound I’ve already created with my crushing bite. At first my mandibles thunk into the fur before slowly at first, then with increasing speed I tear through the muscle and start to crush the bone.

Ha! Take that!

pain and throws its body to one side, rolling onto its back

landing on the ground nearby. As soon as my foe has regained its feet I charge in again

your Biomass

of mana I’ve forced into them but I don’t stop the flow, instead it ever increases.

bear staggers, the wound

I’m already gone, circling around it with my greater mobility and jumping onto its back

Crushing Bite!

over I bite again! Tearing open the gash once


Crushing Bite!

deeper into the bear, dealing critical damage. The bear slumps to the ground beneath me and I bite down once again

slain level

[You have gained experience]

my core, I don’t want to exhaust it so early in the battle and such a high amount of mana is unnecessary

Who is next?!

battle surrounds me on all sides, my compound eyes

mass battles are occurring all around the ant hill, and now the wave of ants has crashed into the fight. Hundreds of workers, biting furiously and tearing at every limb they can get to. The acid rain still falls from above, splashing over

for wear just from

Anthony! This battle has just

a monster who has its back to

slain level 2

[you have gained experience]

slain level 9 Decaying Death

[you have gained experience]

Bite has reached level

rabbits still taste

Blood Tooth Rabbits and having defeated their evolved defender I descend on

pepper me with bites, extended fangs screeching against my diamond




slain level

have reached level five, one skill

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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