
Chapter 96

The Gravity Bomb howls through the air like an angry demon. The air itself being sucked into it, causing a rushing wind as it blasts through the air.

Trapped in the grip of the Titan Croc, the unfortunate snake frantically twists its body in an attempt to escape the impending threat, but to no avail.

As it impacts against the entwined beasts the Gravity Bomb flickers for an instant, before expanding in a blink. The high pitched shriek emitted by the ball turns immediately into a thundering roar. The two hapless monsters are gradually pulled inside the ball, consumed by it, as other nearby monsters are also caught in its inexorable pull.

Like the maw of an insatiable demon, the black sphere drags its victims in before they complete disappear, crushed within the void.

[You have defeated level 9 Canem Pythonem]

[You have defeated level 11 Growing Maw Garralosh]

[You have gained experience]

[You have reached level 6]

The horrific sight persists for only a few seconds but the impact it has on the battlefield is immense. Nearby monsters, suddenly freed from the gravity that had seized them slump to the ground, their desperate efforts to resist no longer required.

Several of these monsters, stunningly, turn and flee into the forest! Perhaps they were so intimidated or startled by their near death experience the bloodlust was knocked out of them, causing them to flee?

Whatever the reason, the panic proves to be contagious as more monsters begin to flee the field, their fear spreading to others who, intimidated out of their frenzy, turn and retreat into the shelter of the forest.

Yeah you better run!


Because my core and gravitational energy are completely exhausted. I’m so damn tired!

Even with so many adversaries quitting the field, the battle still rages on, turning around I can see the workforce continues to be locked it combat with other smaller creatures, here and there a larger monster is being swarmed, covered in over a dozen workers at once and pulled to the ground.

The Queen stands tall above the fray, her antennae flaring brightly with healing mana every now and again as she targets smaller groups of workers for her ministrations. To my relief she hasn’t pushed herself to the very frontline, risking becoming separated from the workers, but instead has remained close to enough to help where she is needed, lunging forward to chomp at troublesome enemies before she retreats back slightly to heal the wounded and look for trouble spots.

I’d glad she hasn’t. If she were to die then the colony would have

so drained, so long as the workforce is engaged in battle I will be also. A

chomping left and right at every monster who comes in front

be battered on all sides in the fight, smaller monsters rushing in biting and slashing at me as I doggedly push through their ranks like a car slowly pushing

because one of my legs becomes complete crippled. My diamond carapace is able to deflect most of the harm but enough 1hp hits will eventually mount

task and

look around for more enemies and then continue the process. I can barely even acknowledge

[You have slain...]

has reached level

has reached level 5, upgrade

I chomp on a monster and then

me a carpet of remains covers the ground, the anthill rising out of the carnage, a tall spire emerging from

are still alive, seemingly unwearied, dragging away Biomass, lifting it in their mandibles before making the journey up the hill. Here and there I can see a large body being picked

sheer number of us, combined with my own intervention was enough to chase away all but the most suicidal of monsters, leaving the colony as the ultimate

staggers over

wounds, a broad smile plastered on

dumb ape... I’m glad you’re still

chow down on Biomass, wolfing it into his face with wild abandon. It’s a good thing, the food will help close over those wounds faster. The big

rest for the

to slap my face, I try to wake up my exhausted mind, much like a human slapping themselves on the cheeks.


Biomass can go to the workers and Queen, I don’t need much, but the cores I have to have. Tiny needs to evolve and I have to raise the Core Mechanic skill as quickly as possible. Judging by the ridiculous power demonstrated by the Sophos Formo and his rock worm of death, it is possible to modify and raise monsters to be superlatively powerful. If I can get my skill high enough, maybe

my Mana Sensing and cast my awareness about, seeking those little concentrated

by what I see! Plenty


Oh, wait.

majesty!" I stutter, dropping my Mana Sensing



is knocked down as the Queen whacks me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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