
Chapter 97

So... I mean.. It’s a little odd...

I was a human before after all. I may not have lived what people would call a ... normal life ... but hey, I went to school, a bit, I saw people, I ate human food.

Now I have a giant ant Queen staring down at me and insisting that she and my many siblings are my family now.


For some reason I’m surprisingly ok with that.

I had a pet ant colony as a human, I kept them contained and fed them, watched the colony grow and cleaned out their spaces for them. In some ways they were the most constant members of my household, I certainly saw them every day, which wasn’t really true of anyone else.

Perhaps that is why I don’t really mind being an ant.

If I’m going to be a member of this family then I have to do my best to save them!

I start thinking out loud.

"Ok then, Queen, I don’t think we are uh, strong enough to survive the wave. If our nest is invaded from the outside as well as the inside, we could be completely wiped out!"

The Queen looks concerned and taps me with her antennae, urging me to continue.

"I think we need to move the colony! We have to get somewhere ... else. Somewhere safer".

"Do you know where we should go child?"

Err.... No?

We live in the Dungeon, and from what I’m told the entire place is going to become a death zone for up to a week!

I don’t even know that the surface will be safe from the impending danger!


may be

doesn’t mean running headlong into the humans, that would be suicide, but with my Tunnel Map I can clearly see where the entrance I first encountered the humans is. If we can find a way to the surface far enough away from a human


to the surface there’s definitely a chance that we all get killed

down here, will the outcome

have to take

thoughts run circles inside my head. My resolution firms

new tunnel to the surface!"

bombshell, taking time to

Then she responds.

the ’surface’?" she


could she possibly know

tunnel upwards, that bypasses the existing Dungeon passages and if

that is simple enough that she can understand

over this suggestion. I wait


suggest child. Where

of getting the workers to cooperate. I’m not exactly sure how the pecking order works in a monstrous ant colony. In a normal ant colony on earth, the Queen doesn’t actually ’rule’ over the rest of the ants, in fact, she is basically dragged around by the

start moving the brood. If other ants find the trail, they will go and check it out and if they agree with the first ants

helpless creature at the mercy of the workers. If anything,

the workforce, it’s clear that they can understand my pheromone

of my

abandon it. Once that is done I’ll start digging the tunnel, if you can help get the rest of the ... family ... digging, then we can make

mana is continuing to recede, just

gives a few more friendly taps on the head with her antennae before retreating back to the security of the nest, leaving the workers to

ambles away, the workers are doing just that, continued to comb over the battlefield and collect the spoils of war. As more times goes by the number of ants showing visible signs

news! If the workforce becomes stronger then we will have a greater chance to

my sibling. I didn’t have any brothers or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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