
Chapter 100

With my Core Mechanics skill successfully advanced and my first test of core fusion complete it is time to move onto the next phase of my preparations!

I have already collected a small pile of cores that I have modified twice next to where my ape friend lies snoring soundly.

Formo indicated to me that there are a number of skills that relate to ’pets’, which is the term the Sophos, and perhaps others in this world, use to refer to monsters that have been reconstituted from cores.

I honestly can’t remember finding any such skills when I was last browsing the list, but then, I wasn’t looking for them. With some skill points up my sleeve I want to take another look and see if I can find something that will help me harness the strength of Tiny to battle the upcoming wave.

Opening the skill menu with a few practiced thoughts I begin flipping through it, looking for anything that touches on the word ’pet’.

Naturally, armed with this new information I manage to find a ton of skills related to pets.


Running through the list I can see skills that make it easier to handle a larger number of pets, skills to help raise the pets more quickly... that must be referring the time and Biomass required to grow the monster back to full size, skills that allow you to monitor the pets stats, even a skill to accelerate the levelling speed of your pets.

So many!

No wonder the Sophos were able to utilise their engineering skills to survive so long living in this place with their weak physiques. By engineering such fearsome monsters and then controlling them with all of these skills, they would be a fearsome opponent indeed.

Most of these skills don’t seem that appealing to me however. I don’t really want a massive army of pets, it seems fairly redundant since I’m already surrounded by hundreds of monsters. Rather than that, a small number of strong pets seems more desirable. Allies that can protect me and the colony until it can better protect itself.

I didn’t really mean to take any steps down this ’pet’ path, reconstituting Tiny was an accident to begin with, but since I’ve had him I’ve found myself growing fond of the big lug. I had to raise him after all, from a little chimp back into the mighty gorilla he has now become.

Since I’ve got him I’m going to make sure that he becomes the best ape he can be!

Instead, the skill that catches my eye is this one:

[Pet communication: establishes a mental link between pet and master, increasing levels in the skill will improve the clarity of the link and the distance at which it can be utilised].

If I can speak more effectively with Tiny then he will become a lot more helpful, able to receive a few instructions rather than just running off and fighting everything he can see!

Learn this skill!

When I approve the skill point expenditure with Gandalf the now familiar trickling feeling shivers through my mind.

Whilst I’m at it I also check out the advanced version of Exo-Skeleton defence, since that skill has reached level 5 and can now be upgraded.

[Exo-Skeleton Defence - Advanced Exo-Skeleton Defence: Improves the ability to utilise the nature of an external skeleton to fend off physical damage].

I’ll take that as well!

With a few skill points spend its time to commit to the next phase.

[Wake up Tiny!]

I try to use our newly established mental link to communicate with my sleeping ape friend.

A small presence in my mind pushes back like a petulant child. I don’t think he wants to wake up....

[Wake up you ape! We have some stuff to do!]

Once again that presence in my head seems to roll over and wave me away, the mental equivalent of pulling a pillow over your head.

to be



word I smash down the core in

Ignore me will you?!

to wake and is sitting against the tunnel wall staring at


sullen voice echoes in


to do buddy. A big day

his eyelids slowly



core and

I drop the core in front him. Trying to sleep

down at the core and then back to me. I can sense the bubbling

to reinforce your



Core! That thing there, on






[Don’t know how....]


the first time I lament that Tiny seriously struggles with a limited mental capacity. To put it bluntly, this ape is dumb. Strong, but dumb

over the head

I might have

my eye I retrieve the core from the ground and slowly approach my nervous

you absorb the core,



[Absorb it dammit!]





Ah! Different sound...

checking my mandibles I see that the core

Thank goodness!

Tiny on his sore head with my


[Did ... it?]



those dim eyes as he finally seems to understand


[Now absorb this one!]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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