
Chapter 101

It is well known that different nations and cultures hold different attitudes towards the Dungeon. That the Dungeon provides resources to be used is a common thread to be sure, but the manner of their use, the manner of their acquisition and the reverence with which they are treated varies greatly across the continents of Pangera.

The Legionem Abyssi’s defensive attitude towards the Dungeon and restrictive policies towards it are well known to all major scholars.

The Church of the Path and those of the broader faith regard the Dungeon as a holy place, the battling of monsters and the harvest of materials from within a religious calling. The more fanatical branches of the church are rumoured to conduct all manner of rituals within the Dungeon and certainly encourage all members of the faithful to seek enlightenment beneath the earth.

The Cold Blades of Illirethil, the Wise Ones of Coggar Nothan, the Eastern Empire of Kallasar, all have their own traditions and expectations towards the Dungeon that they have cultivated over thousands of years.

Cultural study of Pangera and the Dungeon. Chapter 1. By the Magio Scholar Tarius

The large snake core glitters in my eyes as I pick it up and take it over to the rest of my cores. I can easily see that this core is powerful, but I’m not certain that it is powerful enough for my purposes.

Using my antennae, one placed on the large core and the other on one of the smaller ones, I activate the Core Engineering skill and try to combine the two.

Immediately I feel incredibly fierce resistance, pushing back against my mind until a pounding headache erupts between my temples. ARGGHH. These stupid cores... they think they’re all that!!!


Forcing with all my spirit I mentally smash the cores together and hold them tightly, refusing to allow their energies to budge even a millimetre apart.

The larger core exerts far more force than the smaller one, pushing back with an almost irresistible pressure.

But my will is indomitable!

Surrender to me you damned rock!


Eventually the two cores melt together, or more accurately the smaller core is pulled into the larger one and they fuse together.

With the sudden release of pressure I collapse onto the floor of the tunnel. Ugh. This is way too hard.

I don’t allow myself to slump for long. Picking myself up I peer carefully at the massive core, my antennae tapping over it intensely and listening for the voice of Gandalf.

[Compatible core detected, do you wish to reinforce your core or reconstitute the monster?]

As if I would want to reconstitute the mess of a monster this core contains after I smashed another core into it! All I want is to try and manufacture a special core!

another small core and begin




So hard!

core detected





this core as

Gorilla stares at me for a moment before shaking his head and


but you can take in one more,





I just



What the heck

a spherical hat and his ape face is scrunched in concentration and pain. I can see the energy within the core leeching out and into the

of having that special core push your own capacity beyond the limit.

turns from one of suffering into a snarl. His broad shoulders heave and his powerful fingers claw deep trenches


and the core has been fully absorbed.

him and pat him on the head

I raised him from when he was just a

evolve and

his mouth is wide open, revealing his

You’ve got to evolve! It’s

his evolution. I’m not even 100% certain that Tiny has reached his max level, given the ape’s intelligence, it would be very hard for me to try and extract that information. I could have taken

I’m living proof that a monster can live with an oversized core for an extended period of time. If he can’t evolve right now then surely it isn’t far away. The

a whistling grunt to slow and even. Slowly but surely he grows more still until his eyes slowly close and he falls back to sleep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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