
Chapter 106

I run along the trail of workers, snapping and biting at everything that obstructs their path towards the escape tunnel. My main purpose isn't to kill these monsters but to try and get every worker I can to safety.

"Into the tunnel! Into the tunnel!" I constantly shout at my siblings as I snap at the claws and arms that threaten them as the monsters in the walls rip themselves free.

What is the state of the brood chamber in all this chaos? Did we get all of them out?

Worry pierces my chest when I think about the defenceless grubs that may not have been shifted in time.

I need to go and try to save them!

[Tiny, protect the tunnel!]

I can't even be sure the ape has heard and understood me in all of the chaos but I don't stay to check. As I run back toward the chamber I start channelling my gravity magic into my mandibles. As I see ants caught or stuck on their path towards the escape tunnel I immediately reach out to them with the gravitational energy, yoinking them towards me and closer to safety!

I get a few very startled looks from a few ants after they've unceremoniously flown through the air towards me. I'm not sure if it was the shorter distance or finer control on my part but the ants manage to land on their feet, the larvae they carry safe and sound.


Most of the monsters I'd first sensed growing in the walls have emerged by now, snarling and biting, tearing into the first thing they see. So many of these monsters bear no resemblance to anything I've seen so far in the Dungeon. Inhuman, illogical, unnatural creatures of darkness and shadow. Impossibly large mouths, limbs bent at insane angles and with more joints than they could possibly require.

These monsters look straight out of some nightmare!

I won't be distracted from my purpose!

When I see no more ants emerging from the brood chamber I charge along the wall and make my way inside, threading my way between the creatures, lashing out with my mandibles whenever I'm threatened.

Strange as they may be, they still don't like it when I chomp one of their limbs off!

Bursting into the brood chamber my heart drops low in my thorax. There are still dozens of larvae here, tiny little grubs that are completely defenceless against the nightmare horde that has emerged from within the very walls of their sanctuary.

Already I can see several young that have been destroyed by the conflict.

….. Dammit.

We weren't fast enough.

but they were members

become the first members of our colony to be sacrificed

instantly filled with regret. If I'd kept better track of time, if I'd been a little quicker, if I been a bit stronger. I could

vicious beasts battle all around it. Just before it becomes stomped under the foot of an ignorant combatant I flash back to my senses and


through the air, rocketing out of the brood chamber and slamming directly

didn't have much choice! If I tried to catch it in my mandibles I'm

been the most sophisticated of solutions

squirms with joy at its emancipation. This larvae seems

ok there little

save the others but

inside the chamber and hopefully none coming back I turn my back and leave,

one to the escape tunnel. Save this one


by my grief and guilt. I'm determined to see this one to safety however, so I lower my head and bull my what out. Monsters screech and scratch at

respond, I can't respond. I won't risk anything until I can save this defenceless member

death itself. I can feel


drain might be something I can deal with but it'll be enough to kill this larva in just a

roar in

Queens chamber I hear a deafening shriek as Tiny unleashes his mind affecting vocal attack, causing all monsters in the room to shudder with pain as the sound scatters

power of the sound waves vibrating through its

me reels backwards, disoriented from the blast and before I can even react a blinding flash of light erupts in

see Tiny, still channelling electricity throughout his entire body looms over the

throws forward his hand towards where

he is doing at first, but a moment after he thrusts his hand out a terrifying arc of electricity bursts forth, burning

Nice, Tiny!

Motor on!

way forward, sacrificing my balance to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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