
Chapter 107

The monster behind me has ripped itself free and is approaching its prey, already skewered in through by one of its limbs.

Unfortunately for you, standing behind me is not a good place to be!


Firing blindly I rapid fire three shots which, after turning my head I can see have splashed all over the unfortunate monster.

Ha! Take that moron!

Reeling in pain as the acid begins to burn furiously away at its flesh, the creature pulls itself backwards, simultaneously ripping the spike out of my body.

My mind completely blanks out for a moment due the sheer agony tearing at my psyche. Holy moly Gandalf! That one stings!

Activate the regeneration gland!

As the regenerative fluid begins to course through my body, hopefully closing over the holes I have above and below the abdomen I can finally turn to face my adversary.

Able to stab me straight through the diamond carapace this creature must have some serious chops!

What looms before me is truly a nightmare beast. Two enormous elongated, double jointed arms protrude from the front of the body, each limb tipped with needle points that glitter in the light. Suspended between these two limbs is a withered, tattered body with a curling, hooked tail that it drags through the ground.

Come on now monster! That doesn’t even look practical!

My health, which had plummeted down to half after being pierced through is recovering rapidly as my healing gland does its work. One heck of a good purchase that!

Eyeballing my foe warily I feint left and right, trying to buy a few more precious seconds for my wounds to close. My enemy hesitates briefly before screeching horribly, tube-like mouth distending to ridiculous proportions before it raises one spear tipped limb and slams it down towards me.

Thankfully the restrictive acid is doing its work! The creature is so much faster than it looks. The fearsomely pointed arm flashes through the air and plunges deep into the earth, sinking deep into the dirt as if sliding into warm butter.

I was barely able to dodge that strike! Only by flinging myself to one side was I able to avoid it by the slimmest of margins! Despite looking so distorted this monster really means business. That speed and penetrating power are a real threat, able to stab straight through my sturdy defences.

I might just end up getting stabbed through

I lunge forward whilst channelling mana into my


weapon. With satisfaction I can feel my mandibles ripping and tearing but I’m disappointed I wasn’t able to cut straight through it. Not

rears back,

How do you

Then it smashes down with its other

Whoa there!

the arm raised up I know I have almost no time to dodge because I’ve never seen the thing come down!

mutation of some kind. Even with my restrictive acid covering the creature it can still muster this level of speed, if I hadn’t hit with the acid I’d probably be dead right now, speared through the head by a limb I never

fear just thinking about that scenario. The terrors of the Dungeon really are innumerable. How is a humble ant colony supposed to

I can see the colony hard at work

the line, two

Keep up

his rampage, his new form is fearsomely strong, blasting out electricity and using his sheer physical force to smash his opponents to paste. He can’t keep it up indefinitely though, I can already see wounds cut into him and his electrical energy isn’t inexhaustible. That blast he sent out across the room must have cost him dearly as the sparks radiating off

in the walls. This is truly going to be an endless wave of monsters! Formo was not kidding, if anything he might

I can do about the situation here in the chamber. If the ants can’t keep digging we will eventually be overwhelmed. The colony

switch and bringing out my gravitational energy instead. Before the creature

come over and say hello at my


Have I sabotaged

through the air towards me. Completely



the tube mouth is surrounded by tiny gem-like eyes, as if the body were studded with little

Have another!


flesh is compacted as whatever skeleton it had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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