
Chapter 109

When the construct is finally charged with a ridiculous amount of mana, almost 30% of my total gravitational energy capacity, it activates.

The sphere of intricately formed shapes and patterns begins to move, gradually at first, gaining speed like a locomotive, spinning and rotating in a breathtakingly elaborate dance. What is alarming is that the pattern continues to draw on my mana even though it is completed.

What’s going on?!

In the next moment my question is answered. The outer layer of the sphere rapidly expands outwards, exiting my body and encompassing an area within a five metre radius around me in a flash! The core of the construct remains rotating inside me, pulsing with energy and continuing to soak up mana at a dizzying speed.

Ah! I don’t even know what is happening! This mana field has expanded around me? What on Pangera does it do?!

Now that the construct has been completed and powered, for the first time since I activated it I return my awareness to the outside world, leaving the task of supplying the energy to power this spell to my sub-brain, which is more than up the task.

Ouch! I’ve been beaten and knocked around a fair bit! A few cracks and dings in my carapace are evidence enough of that! Thankfully I haven’t lost too much hp, the diamond carapace proving its worth against these more mundane strikes from weaker creatures.

The battle continues to swirl around me, monsters throwing themselves into every fight in a wild frenzy, lashing each other with every available weapon. Yet more creatures are starting to emerge from the walls as the cycle of monster spawning continues without slowing, more meat thrown into the grinder!

The actions of the monsters close to me change the moment the sphere of mana expands. As soon as my spell is activated the creatures, moments ago engaged in furious combat, instantly slump to the ground as if smashed in the head with a brick.

What is this?!

There isn’t any visible difference to the environment around me. I feel perfectly fine, whatever the spell is doing doesn’t seem to affect me in any way. Five metres around me the spherical barrier of mana slowly rotates, a mystical pattern drawn with dark purple gravitational mana.

The creatures within the zone act strangely, as if they were pressed into the ground by an invisible hand. I stare at them, baffled. There is no force at all that I can feel? Maybe it only has an effect on others?

Nearby I see a monster aggressively swinging a claw close to the edge of my sphere. When the arm passes inside the edge of my spell it is immediately dragged down, pulling the monsters shoulder until it is slumped forward, trying to drag its arm outside of my range.

Could it be? Is this what I think it is?! The legendary gravity domain!?

Looking at the nearest monsters again they are painfully trying to push themselves back onto their feet, they appear as if weighed down with a ton of bricks!

It is! Inside the sphere the enemy monsters are affected by a powerful gravity field that pulls them down the ground! Incredible!

This also explains why the drain on my energy is still ongoing at such a fast pace. In order to maintain such a strong effect over a large area you would expect to have to pay a heavy price in energy. At the current rate of consumption I’m probably going to run dry of Gravitational mana in just a few minutes!

That doesn’t matter though, this is great! I almost can’t believe my eyes as I take in the pitiful sight of these horrific monsters who, moments ago, where savagely fighting and tearing each other apart, now struggling to get their feet under them.

The Gravity Domain! So powerful!

can’t waste this

cautious until I know a

at me. Once all of the body weight has been placed



way! I guess I’ll just dart forward and

Crushing bite!

Crushing bite!

Crushing bite!

have slain level

[You have gained experience]

horrific mouth monster whilst it couldn’t lift a finger to defend itself was .... Just



by the irresistible force of gravity. Some are able to cope better than others, but even the hardiest monster in the room, suddenly finding its combat ability cut

Bite. Bite. Bite.

crushing one, don’t

[You have slain ...

[You have slain ...

[You have slain ...

and bite

Crushing bite!

Crushing bite!

has reached level

battle am I that I hardly notice

is this? Crushing bite

advance it

user to manifest their bite as energy to extend the range of the attack beyond their physical body. Of course, attacking with the physical body will cause



the type of skill used by those soldiers to fire blades of light from their swords and so on? I can extend a metaphysical set of

have to test it

monster burdened by the crushing pressure of my Gravity

Activate Shattering Bite!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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