
Chapter 110

Since it appears that my pet does not suffer under the debilitating effect of the Gravity Domain, Tiny and I working together are able to make fairly quick work of the first wave of monsters in the Queen’s chamber before retreating back to the entrance of the escape tunnel and the welcoming horde of ants there.

Despite having mostly cleared just this one room, there are still more monsters growing within the walls even as I try to catch my breath. Tiny and I are spent forces. My Gravitational Energy gland is completely tapped out and my repeated use of the Shattering Bite skill has caused my stamina to drain away to the point I’m physically exhausted.

Tiny isn’t in much better shape. Whatever the source of his Lightning he is running on empty, a number of wounds have been made all over his body. By throwing himself so willingly into the fray he has had to pay a price and although I’m sure his gains in levels and skills have been high the poor ape is in desperate need of a rest for the time being. Even as I look at him his chest is heaving and blood is trickling from a number of cuts, matting his long fur.

He doesn’t look miserable though. If I were to describe the look on his face I would have say he looks ... satisfied. This battle hungry ape! He’d probably jump straight back into the fight if I gave him a chance!

I too was able to harvest a few levels from the fight but for now we need to take care of the most important resource during this wave.


Although it might seem as if the wave would make procuring food a simple affair, the opposite is true. Even if there are monsters fighting everywhere, that also means that there are monsters fighting everywhere! There is food all over the place but it is going to be so difficult to actually get the space to collect and then safely consume that food!

Not to mention we need to procure enough Biomass to sustain not only myself and Tiny but the entire colony including the larvae and the Queen!

Right now the entire Queen’s chamber is full of Biomass waiting to be harvested, but from everywhere else in the nest I can still here the roar of combat as the endless battle continues. We only have a limited reprieve before the fighting starts again. My heart grows cold as the true terror of the wave becomes apparent to me.

Tiny and I are completely exhausted and have to rest already, we may have won a reprieve for the colony but for how long? Five minutes? Then the chamber will once again fill monsters and the battle will continue, except Tiny and I will be in no state to fight.

Only ten or so minutes has passed! Already reduced to such a state.... This is going to last for at least a week!

I sure hope we can dig our way out...

"Everyone gather up the food and bring it into the tunnel! As fast as you can!" I urge the defensively positioned workers.

The workforce have been doing an excellent job of blocking entrance to the tunnel, even hanging off the roof of the tunnel to completely bar entry to hostile monsters. I think their desperation is borne out of their instinct to protect the larvae sitting in the tunnel behind them at all costs.

anything that came too close and bringing it down through sheer numbers before dragging their victim deeper into the

and hurriedly begin to drag what Biomass they can back into the tunnel. As tired as we are, Tiny and

chamber during these few hurried minutes of work are set upon by the workers

back into the cramped tunnel as we can, even as more monsters begin to approach the chamber from the connecting tunnels above and below, drawn by the scent

workers, teaming up to break down the Biomass and distribute it to the

is seriously

for a few hours probably, inside the escape tunnel I’m unable to absorb mana through my feet which will greatly slow the recovery of my gravitational energy. My core is full, to be sure, but it takes

legs is aching. The only cure is to eat and sleep, if I push too hard I’m only going to collapse in the middle of a fight, where would the colony be then? Actually, what would happen to Tiny, my pet, if I were

face, his large bat mouth stretched wide to shovel in the food as quickly as he can. Noticing my look he freezes for a moment, one hand drifting down


calling you fat....

head away Tiny pauses for a moment before he


can still see you

my head I turn back to my own food, speaking of which I’ll

consumed a new source of Biomass, Dentes Umbra.

of the

of Biomass, Luminare

of the

base level monster of the darker reaches of the Dungeon, its fearsome maw and

demonic monsters the lesser imp is still a significant threat when underestimated. It has surprising

profiles of the monsters I’ve defeated and much as I’d suspected the enemies we had defeated do not belong

high numbers of monsters to spawn but also to cause more


makes it even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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