
Chapter 111

After eating I now have enough Biomass to advance my Gravitational Energy Gland to +5, thus completing my perfect, all +5 physique. Sadly due to the wave I’m too tired to take my full measure of joy from the accomplishment. The omnipresent threat to the colony, my adoptive family, and myself is simply too pressing to allow much room for other emotions.

Heading down the far end of the tunnel even the indefatigable Queen is flagging, in desperate need of food and rest. Without the ability to transport the dirt out of the tunnel itself the workers have been piling it close to the entrance, narrowing the entrance considerably.

At some point we’ll have to try and shove as much dirt as possible out into the chamber and then perhaps seal the entrance.

I’m in two minds about sealing the entrance to the Queen’s chamber. On the one hand, we’ll be protected from the monsters at least a little, on the other, we need to fight monsters in order to eat! We might be digging this tunnel for several more days, food supply is going to be a problem if we seal ourselves off from the Dungeon.

After I’ve seen that the digging is continuing as quickly as it can I return to the tunnel entrance where Tiny has fallen asleep. The massive ape blocks off almost half of the tunnel space with his prone frame, not that the workers seem to mind, any traffic simply walks over him or climbs up the walls to go around the slumbering ape.

He needs a good rest, he worked hard.

With a little time and space I need to spend my Biomass points to improve myself, every advantage must be sought in order to combat this threat!

[Do you wish to improve Gravitational Energy Gland to +5? This will cost 9 Biomass]

[At this level you may choose a mutation advancement, please select from the menu]

I can’t even muster my usual glee at being able to peruse the menu of available options due to this gloomy atmosphere, even though there are more choices than I’d imagined being available.

I can cause the Gland to regenerate the energy faster by increasing the conversions speed, have the gland draw in ambient mana to regenerate on its own rather than siphoning energy from the core, increase the density of the mana, whatever that means.

I think the option I want is as unexciting as I think it will be effective. I haven’t found a way to use the Gravitational Energy that is cheap in terms of the amount of mana required and for some reason I don’t think I’m likely too. The Gravity effects of spells seem to be rather powerful or grandiose, which makes sense its gravity after all, and to achieve those effects the cost must also be considerably high.

Greatly increases the capacity of the gland, immediately

the Gravity magic what I need

The thirst of these spells is no joke! It must be

short term, but I still think this mutation will prove useful during the

So I confirm it!


deep inside my thorax.

time. Workers delivering food to the far end of the tunnel simply climb over me or, at one point, stop walking entirely and

How rude!

too absorbed with my own struggles to

satisfied. It always feels like an accomplishment when I manage to reach the +5 milestone. Now that I’ve achieved +5

know when the next mutation advancement happens, it could be +10 or even +15... I’ll

to Tiny, I don’t. Instead I drag my sorry self to the entrance and push my way past the smaller workers until I’m standing on the front line. The sudden glare of the light which had mostly been blocked by ant bodies is almost blinding compared

minutes have passed since the chamber had been clear already six creatures

is like right now? We are far from any spawn points that I

imagination, I’m certainly not going up there to

to defeat enough enemies and secure some space for themselves to take in some Biomass. With mutations and the experience gained from surviving the first wave, these monsters will have a decisive advantage over any newly spawned creatures, if they can stay alive long enough and heal from their meal they’ll

by those that managed to survive before them, the lucky few who can survive deep into the wave will have had

threat before it can become too serious but I dare not risk it. Exposing myself to such

take responsibility and defend the colony. After a few hours I’ll get him to take over for a while so I can sleep. The tunnelling must also

my body is in the chamber whilst the other half sits in the escape tunnel. Rearranging my legs slightly I manage to balance myself so that the front four are in contact with the

and the absorbed mana is transported towards my core. From there a steady stream of mana is being sapped away

just so much mana here! I just can’t explain how it makes me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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