
Chapter 120

There are so many things wrong with this situation. In my peripheral vision I can see humans pointing fingers, whispering fearfully in response to my intrusion. At the dais to the front of the chamber the impressively robed figure recovers from his shock and launches into what sounds like a truly impassioned diatribe, full of furious gestures. The man is practically screaming in his fervour, spittle flying from his lips as he exhorts the crowd.

The people are beginning to respond to him as well, turning to listen, the fear slowly dropping from their faces. Their expressions slowly changing from unease to a rapt attention and then to something I could say is religious ecstasy.

Meanwhile, all I can think about is that stupid statue.

How the heck did they get those features so perfect?!

It isn’t even Ian McKellan dressed up as Gandalf, as he did for the Lord of the Rings movies. It’s just Sir Ian, albeit with something of a beard. The statue depicts him standing, wizened eyes and lined face depicting both wisdom that comes with age and the warmth of a kind soul. His arms are outstretched, one reaching forward in invitation and the other held wide, as if gesturing to the wider world.

He is wearing robes, which clearly fits with the character, and upon the ropes there are hundreds of lines of text, carved so small and intricate that I can only imagine the effort that went into producing such a statue.

That is so weird. I’m aware that other people from my world have come to this one as monsters, is it possible that some have come as humans also? Perhaps one of them also recognised the voice as that of Gandalf and decided to jokingly use his image to found some sort of religion?

I mean, this is clearly a church of some kind, they even have the stained glass windows, through which I can see the faint rays of something I had barely experienced in this world, sunlight! The windows are incredible though, each depicting a different scene which I assume relates to their faith.

In one I can see miserable humans working and fighting. Next to that there is an image of Gandalf descending from above, words pouring from the cloth of his robe to fall upon a joyous populace. Next to that the window depicts dark creatures, monsters I presume, emerging from the ground where they are met in battle by powerful and sturdy looking humans, lines of text exploding from each battle like special effects.

Actually, looking closely I can see that words have been stitched into the robes of the priest also, lines and lines of them in an impressive looking golden thread. I hadn’t noticed at first but as the light shifts over his robe the texts glitters prettily.

They really go all out here in this church! Intricately carved statue, skilfully made stained glass, expensive robes and high vaulted ceiling. The full treatment!

"What is wrong?" I hear the Queen ask.

I must have been still for longer than I thought, causing the Queen to become concerned.

"We’ve reached the surface, which is good news! We are surrounded by humans though, which I’m not sure is ideal?" I respond.

The Queen thinks for a moment.

"What is a human?" she asks.


living creature... that isn’t a

"Hmmm" the Queen ponders.

we eat them?" she eventually



really not sure I want to make a call on in this moment, would they even give Biomass, seeing as they aren’t

I wonder how much...

and children in this crowd! Don’t

think about you that


Don’t pursue that thought.

to focus on the humans whilst I formulate a reply to the

eat them or not. Wait down there with the family for a

to slowly push myself further out

The middle aged looking gentlemen has gone completely red in the face and he seems to be struggling for breathe as he continues to raise his volume somewhat beyond what I

with rapture as he raises his hands high to the heavens, apparently exhorting them for

continue to slowly creep out of the hole, bringing my

I could understand the

sure I’m ready for

eyes upon me once again, all traces of fear gone. As I slowly pull myself out an older lady nearby begins to


Are you misunderstanding something?

habit I start to clean my antennae, running my forelegs

not sure how to

are overcome with emotion and

church, rows of pews on either side as all along the walls people are kneeling hands clasped in prayer facing towards

uh... err.....

what you guys think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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