
Chapter 121

So caught up in the strange energy of the moment it takes a moment before I even realise what it is I’ve done.

Uh.... Whoops?

I mean, he hit me on the head with his stupid mace! What exactly did he think was going to happen?! I’ve been living a violent life in the Dungeon, some things are just becoming instinct you know? If you whack me on the head with your stupid mace then you can’t really blame me for retaliating right? It’s self-defence!

The priest seems to also take a moment to process these events. He looks down at his now severed limb before a new expression gradually takes over his face. He falls backwards clutching at his arm and screams loudly in horror!

This triggers the stunned crowd, who had been locked in place with shock to erupt with fear, people climbing over each other as they attempt to run for the door!

Oh boy...

This is not what I intended! Why the hell did we have to dig up into a freakin’ human building anyway?!

Did they think the Dungeon had delivered some free xp to them as offering or something? You expected me to just stand there and get killed?! Even if I were to let you bash my head in with that ornate mace for half an hour it wouldn’t have been able to damage my diamond carapace in the first place! All I’d get is a headache!

Since it has come to this I have to try and limit the damage, my plan was to have the colony hide somewhere on the surface so we could ride out the worst of the wave in relative safety. If we manage to draw a human army down on our heads then we may as well go back down into the Dungeon and try our luck! If these humans run away and bring back soldiers we’ll be in a real pickle!

Think Anthony! You have to fix this!

Out of desperation I do the only think I can think of to stop the people from running away.

I channel my gravitational magic and form the gravity domain.

would stop

the spell I can form it much more quickly than before, in only a matter of seconds the powerful energy erupts from me, encompassing the church building. Thankfully I had enough

spell erupts the humans find themselves unable to keep their feet, the younger children immediately fall to the floor, completely unable to resist the force pulling them down. The

his arm, holding it before his disbelieving face, he doesn’t even seem to notice that he has

some ways I’m

the domain in place for a few seconds before I shut it off. In those few seconds the frantic escape of the

best to stare them down a little. It isn’t easy to communicate "don’t move or I’ll turn it back on again!" with an

seem to get it to some extent. Fear twists their faces as they have now realised that this isn’t some religious experience but the enemy

terror and tears on the faces of the children is quite a blow to me. It wasn’t that long ago I was a human myself! I’m not that

can apparently control the force of gravity would be pretty damn scary

the crowd subdued for the moment I decide to try and work out exactly where we are. I need to know a little more

the large double doors at the rear of the church I hesitate a moment before pushing them open with my mandibles and taking in the surface of this world for

sunset is the first thing that meets my eyes, the alien sky dyed with intense reds and pinks. Lovely. Not much scenery to appreciate in the tunnel after all, causing this sight to hit perhaps a little harder than I

a hill, a cobbled path leading directly up to the doors. Spread before me looks to be a sleepy town, smoke curling from chimneys that poke proudly out of

I estimate the previous Dungeon entrance I had located seems like it

things could have been worse, I

sure a plume of black smoke is rising from somewhere inside the walls. Some

the side of the church and take a peek around the corner. The church doesn’t seem to

overlooking the more simple homes of the people, many of whom possibly work farming the surrounding fields. On the rear side of the church, down the hill and over a few open paddocks a

a colony could go and get

to salvage this

sort to the statue, hoping for salvation and survival rather than whatever the heck they had thought was coming their

priest is still clutching his arm, almost completely inert. I think the shock has hit him pretty bad. Poor guy.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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