
Chapter 122

I'd never thought that running through a feel of wheat could be quite so thrilling. Perhaps everyone had been wrong on that front? As I hustled along, Tiny in tow carrying my precious monster cores in one large paw and the rest of the colony following along behind, I couldn't help but panic the entire way, worrying that we'd be spotted.

Who exactly was going to spot us crossing a farm field at dusk, the sun having fallen almost completely below the horizon, I'm not sure. Perhaps the Dragon Guards of legend would swoop out of the sky and smite me with a thunder hammer or something? I have no idea how things operate up here! For all I know there are wizards that could vaporize the entire colony from kilometres away.

Right up until the moment the last worker is safely under the cover of trees I keep stressing. When finally the entire workforce is safe and the Queen, surrounded by her dedicated cadre of ants has been escorted into the forest, I sigh in relief.

Feeling a little more comfortable I make my way to the head of our monstrous ant convoy as we plunge into unknown territory.

There is something faintly magical about this forest, it's old, even I can tell that much with my limited outdoors experience. The trees look wrinkled and wise beneath their broad canopies, stretching to the sun like the elderly doing morning exercise.

At this late hour a mist is beginning to rise from the damp litter of the forest floor, further concealing our movements as we rush further into these woods.

Wait a sec! Heat!

My antennae are constantly scanning and sweeping as we advance and eventually I detect a heat signature ahead and slightly to the left, as if some creature were waiting crouched in the growth as we approach.

I decide to continue to advacne as if I had no knowledge of this interloper, wanting to see exactly what kind of action it would choose to take. Will it attack? Will it flee? I don't know anything about this forest or about the creatures who live here. Any chance to learn something should be seized. Knowledge is power to the monster!

My antennae continue to twitch about as I lead the trail of ants. The heat source has continued to remain still as I draw closer. I even adjust my path so that I'll be right next to the source as I pass but it doesn't twitch in response.

Eventually I move within only a few feet of it. I can clearly see the hiding place now, a dense shrub with thickly intertwined branches providing total visual cover. Sadly for this beastie my advanced senses are completely aware of their location.

attack is the larvae I'm carrying in my mandibles. This feisty grub refuses to sit still, insisting on wiggling about as if admiring the view. You don't have eyes you little

somehow retaliate without using my mandibles, which are

enough, just as I pass by the bush suddenly rustles and the

sin, vicious fangs and a crude dagger are all I can see clearly as the creature emerges in a rush, bringing its weapon down in

you chump! Curling slightly I present my diamond carapace to the

The blade flashes down!


pings off my carapace. The recoil twists the creatures arm on a terrible

sure who is more shocked by the total lack of damage

rotation I present the business


by the rebound of its own strike the creature howls pitifully as the acid blasts

slain level

[You have gained experience]


So weak!

Super Weak!

you kidding me? I'm pretty sure you broke your own arm just


I'm not even sure that I want to eat it. Is this what

the woods

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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