
Chapter 123

Since the cataclysm and the opening of the Dungeon to sentient surface dwellers, expeditions to the underground spaces for resources have been a constant in society. Not only for the abundance of experience provided by the Dungeon monsters, far above that which can be attained above ground, but for the precious resources that can be found there.

Rare mineral types never seen before, underground trees who's wood contains incredible properties, gems infused with mana are all highly prized, but the monsters themselves have always held the greatest treasure.

It is well known on the surface that certain monster parts, when treated correctly, can be prevented from dissolving back into the Dungeon and then turned into miraculous equipment and tools that cannot be replicated using only surface materials. Although expensive to purchase, items crafted from monster parts can be found in almost any civilised town, often something as simple as plough could be constructed using centipede fangs as the blade, or carved completely from the tough bones of a larger beast.

More sought after still are the precious monster cores. It isn't known exactly how or why monsters form cores, but what is known is that they constantly absorb and compress mana, giving the monsters a rich source of power within their own bodies, something no surface race has been able to achieve. Mages are able to perform their miracles by drawing on and shaping the energy found in the area around them or from specially crafted mana stores on their person, but none has ever achieved the internal storage that the core allows monsters.

What's more, the core of a monster retains these properties after death, constantly absorbing and storing mana. When combined with skilful enchanting techniques, cores, especially larger, powerful ones, can be used to create the most powerful weapons and artefacts, hence their incredible value.


Like a slumbering giant the colony rested that night. The workers had been pushing themselves hard, just as I had and almost the entire workforce sank into torpor with only a few guards patrolling on the ant hill outside. Over five hundred monsters, crammed into a small space, each as still as a ghost. Hundreds more larvae and pupae filled every corner of our new nest, the next generation of workers growing ever closer to their time of awakening.

When I finally shake myself out of torpor I feel refreshed in a way I haven't felt for a long time.

So good!

I can sleep as much as I want and I don't have to battle something to the death the moment I wake up! The lousy wave is in the rear view mirror for the time being and it is a massive weight off my shoulders.

so foolish to think we will continue to remain untouched by it up here, but

happily. Even rolled up he takes by far

I spot the other occupant of the room. Instead of the energetic little grub I saw when I'd gone to sleep

inspect the pupa. This is the transformative stage of an ants development where they turn from a blind grub into a fully formed ant. This

little different than those I'd seen before? I'm

occupant of this room, my cores! Wait…..

of it! I'm missing two cores! I frantically check the remaining gems with my

slap him awake with an antenna. He must have absorbed them in his sleep this greedy


He seems completely unaware that I've been hitting him as he yawns and stretches before turning back

[Food?] he asks.


things never change

on, let's go

home and up the main shaft of the nest until we reach the top of the anthill. The rest of the colony is similarly waking up, dozens of workers are pouring out of their chambers and getting busy around the colony, some heading lower in order to tend to the Queen, others checking in on the brood, most of which has transformed into pupa by this time. Soon the colony will go

raise a problem

and small creatures in order to obtain protein to grow their young. Mature

and growing stronger, just like the young. This means the monstrous ant colony has an even larger appetite when compared to normal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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