
Chapter 136

The ear shattering screech out of Tiny has only gotten stronger over time. As the sonic waves roll over my precious ear canals the stunning effect slams into my soft brain(s) like a sledgehammer.

Thanks to my sturdy willpower I can shake it off after a second and see how the rest of the monsters are doing.

Generally, not great.

There are plenty of beasts reeling or stunned completely from that vocal blast whilst a few larger creatures seem to have managed to resist largely as well as I did. Having announced his mighty presence, Tiny leaps down into the cavern, the rocks cracking under him when he lands with a boom.

The long hair on his arms and back is slowly starting to rise into the air as he glares hungrily at the monsters before him, who can only shrink back from this intimidating beast. I can only imagine that seeing such a beefy, strong looking monster land in their midst is not exactly what they had expected or hoped for. Tiny’s hands and body are starting to spark in earnest now, little zaps of electricity rippling over his body and swimming across his fingers.


Not intimidated by the fearsome display one of the armoured lizards bellows a challenge from across the tunnel! Tiny’s bat ears twitch in outrage and he screeches back, the sonic blast physically impacting some smaller monsters and knocking them right off their feet!

Crunch! Crunch!

As the two monsters stomp towards each other their heavy tread shatters the stones beneath their feet. Not willing to be caught in the fray the smaller monsters back the hell up, desperate to get out of the way of what is about to take place. Even I can follow their logic. If these two big fellas’ want to fight each other, that is a hell of lot better than them picking on us! Let’s move to the side and eat each other whilst they do their thing.

I have to admit I feel like a proud Dad as I watch my once little ape stomp towards a fiendish armour beast in preparation for a no holds barred battle to the death.


Should I cast a sneaky Gravity Bolt in there to help Tiny out? Asides from the risk of hitting my own pet accidently, I’m not sure he’d be ok with me interfering in his long awaited battle. I might just have to keep an eye on things and play it by ear.

As they two monsters draw closer to each the other the pressure in the air increases to unbearable levels. Two monsters enter! Only one will leave!

swinging his fists in wide arcs Tiny is the first to act! Electricity crackles in the air as he raises

shifting the point of impact in this way the blow will fall on its back where thick


three inches into the cavern floor as that titanic blow, with all the weight of an angry bat-ape behind it, shudders through its body. It isn’t the physical damage that that troubles the beast though. Bright rippling arcs of electricity discharge from Tiny’s fists as they impact, piercing straight through that hard shell to roast the tender flesh

this the

peripheral vision. A second of the large shell lizards is positioning itself for a charge

prepare a spell. Let’s see how you like this tasty little

before turning its large body with deceptive speed! The clubbed tail behind it whips through the air so quickly it almost

[Look out Tiny!]

rotates his body and flashes out a clean right hook, connecting flush with that bony tail and

That was so

a way isn’t without cost however, a clear crunching sound can be heard from Tiny’s fist in the moment

Unleashing a furious roar it pounds the rocky floor with its mighty four-legged tread, its incredible mass and hard

skitter forward until I am facing down the rampaging monster who clearly intends to crush this

only it were that easy for you big

dish! The Inverse

the powerful blast of purple magic that shoots through the air like a bullet. With its large frame

eyes as my spell impacts and it feels no pain at all. Did the spell


You sure are buddy!

followed by panicked squeals erupt from the beast as it realises that it is rising from the floor and instead of smashing me to pieces with an irresistible charge it has sailed gracefully over my head,

momentum peters out the poor monster is left hovering in mid-air close to the ceiling, legs and tail thwipping about

guy, you’ll be coming down sooner

once more, smashes the lizard so hard he

the scent of roasted flesh fills the air as the lizard roars in pain, unable to resist this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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