
Chapter 137

Impacted by the second Gravity Bolt the poor lizard experiences a brief moment of suspension. A narrow window of time in which the effect of the upwards gravity is fading and the new, downward force is only beginning to kick in.

The tentative balance is suddenly broken and with sensational effect!

From hovering in place like an awkward levitating turtle the monster suddenly descends so quickly my eyes almost cannot catch its motion.


A tremendous impact occurs, sending dust and debris flying into the air, obscuring my vision and showering the cavern with shards of rock.

Holy moly! I didn’t expect that to happen! Well, not quite so spectacularly at least. Scurrying quickly I use my antennae to swipe at the air and try to clear my view and inspect my prey.

Eventually I have to stop in place as I feel I may have walked too far. Where the heck is it? Is this dust ever going to settle?!

On my back the two interlopers are just as blind as I am, although, for Crinis, it is a fairly standard state of affairs. Turning on the spot it takes a moment for me to realise the texture of the floor beneath my feet is slightly different.

Looking down I notice that I’m standing on the back of the monster!

It’s been squished right into the floor!

Slowly the dust falls to reveal that the lizard has been completely submerged in the rocky floor of the cavern by the impact and somewhat lacking it tact, I’ve wandered directly onto it’s back. Even worse, the monster is still alive, groaning painfully as the downward pressure continues to compact it straight into the ground.

Sorry about that buddy! I’ll er... ease your suffering?

Piercing Chomp!


Phew, this shell is seriously tough!

Piercing Chomp!


Still not there!

Again! Again! Again!

level up my piercing bite once! No wonder Tiny was struggling to crack it with his hands. Even using

level 12

[You have gained experience]

wibbling about in a


anything! Second, you’re making me feel childish in my moment of victory! This battle was the first in which my incredible magical superiority played the decisive factor, allow me

After sustaining his brutal lightning attack until the enemy

foe and immediately starts ripping into the Biomass, tearing it apart

other monsters in the chamber, his method may be more effective

myself a large berth as they continue to battle amongst themselves. Incredibly, I actually see a few of the normally battle crazed beasts slinking off down the tunnel, disengaging from

just me or are some of these creatures

they would hurl themselves into bloody slaughter the moment they were created and clawed out of the dirt, regardless of the odds! I couldn’t possibly imagine for a second one of those creatures would voluntarily escape from battle. Calculating the odds just wasn’t something they

a little different. Between a monster who can decide if a fight is too dangerous and tactfully retreat, or a monster who suicidally charges forward no matter what, which is more dangerous? In the short term, the suicidal monster is a little dangerous, in the long term, the sneaky one is by far the greater threat! In this world the potential for

development later. For now, the stupid monsters who decided to stick around

and then turns his greedy eyes towards the other monsters battling on the fringes of the cavern.

discharged most of his electricity Tiny is reduced to smashing his opponents with just his raw

chomping everything to death I try and work on some new tactics. The Gravity Bolt combo I used on the lizard is just one of my new strategies, I have other ideas

monsters the pulling effect is strong enough that none of them are able to escape, instead being sucked into a comical

time to


mandibles around the condensed monsters and savagely bite, crushing the

[You have slain ....]

[You have slain ....]

[You have slain ....]

so easy it almost feels

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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