
Chapter 138

Overall we managed to harvest six cores from the wide section of tunnel, including two tasty looking ones from the Bone Lizards. All in all this has been an extremely profitable trip! It feels good to get levels and Biomass again so freely like this! Now that I don’t have to worry so much about the colony surviving the terror of the wave, I’ll be able to head down here with Tiny every now again in order to make sure my personal strength isn’t lagging too far behind!

I can already feel more heat readings from the walls growing with every passing second. A new wave of monsters is about to spawn and I’d rather not get tangled up with them. I collect my passengers and tell Tiny that it’s time to leave.

The big ape has mostly healed up after consuming all of that Biomass but his fist still looks like it’s in rough shape. Not too surprising considering what he punched! More importantly he looks relaxed and happy, something I haven’t seen for over a week now.

Being a little careful with ourselves we begin the long trek to the surface one more, clearing out the monsters who had spawned behind us as we’d descended. The two little ones are probably the members who gained the most from this trip. I’m not sure that eating more advanced Biomass expedites the growth of young monsters but it probably does, I’ll be interested to see how much Crinis has grown tomorrow. Since Vibrant is a fully grown monster, albeit a small one, she will have gained a truckload of Biomass from consuming a creature two evolution levels above her, perhaps as many as fifteen points!

Considering how limited her stomach capacity is, getting so many points from one meal is quite an amazing haul!

Eventually we make our way back to the surface. I climb out first in order to detect if there are any humans or other creatures around the opening to the tunnel. We need to be somewhat careful moving in and out of here as we aren’t too far from the human settlement. Some caution goes a long way in avoiding unnecessary complications!

Since we’ve cleaned out the lower tunnels twice there shouldn’t be too much there for the humans in the church to fight, just the very weakest monsters who spawned above where my new tunnel connects to the old one. Not only have I protected their lives, I’ve also robbed them of experience. Truly giving with hand and taking with the other. Gweheheh.

To be honest, I haven’t hurt them at all, and taking little steps like this to protect my colony, my family, is surely permissible right? Gandalf?

Eh. My conscious is clean.

The four of us begin the long trek back into the forest, well, two of us begin the long trek back into the forest. I’m fairly certain that Vibrant has fallen asleep on my head. Judging by the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the little ball on my back, Crinis has also!

Why I oughtta!

suppose. The faster they digest that Biomass and grow the sooner they’ll be

walk back to the anthill

faint sounds of battle attract my

the sound of human voices shouting and the clash

start sprinting forward at top speed, not caring that my rapid movement has jolted my two passengers awake. Tiny seems to detect my rising panic and rumbles after me as quickly as his long arms reach out and seize

step my heart is pounding and a scream is rising in my head. Not my family! Not

sounds of weapons crunching through monster flesh are enough to bring tears to my eyes. I mean, if I had tear ducts.

dominating the center of the clearing, workers pour out of the top, mandibles clacking with rage, antennae twitching angrily, no doubt sensing the call to

at the back, ornate staves in their hands and flowing robes running over their


warriors to swing freely and unleash their sword skills, sending waves of sword light slashing through the ants. The acid fired from above is likewise blocked by magical means, scattering

out! Her huge frame is shuddering with rage as she tries to

My family is dying!


enough to roar this words to my companion before my mind goes totally red. My precious siblings are

movement I vigorously shake off the two little ones and start sprinting at the enemy. They

without any sort of plan, rushing directly forwards. Closer, closer, closer! When I’m just a few

my face, as if an invisible barrier just rushed at me, trying to

Not today Mr Mime!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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