
Chapter 139

Under the impact of Tiny's mighty fists the barrier flickers in and out of existence, on the verge of total collapse. The two mages recoil physically from the power of that strike, one of them is even driven to their knees. Still, their eyes are burning with determination and they keep their staves raised to the sky, apparently reinforcing the barrier with everything they have.

To resist that full bodied strike from Tiny the shield up there must be incredibly strong!

The shield down here near me however…

Infused mandibles!

Still desperately constructing the Gravity Spear within myself I start to charge my mandibles as well. The strain on my mind is so immense I would have blood flooding out of my nose if I had one! Straining with all of my spirit I desperately control the mana, directing it into my mandibles whilst leaving as much of the load as possible to the sub brain. It feel as if both of brains are on fire, cooking themselves with the strain.

As the traces of mana flow out of my core and into my mandibles they begin to emit light, a glow, that grows stronger every moment. My face is already pressed against the barrier, its invisible resistance pushing back against me. My mandibles are spread wide, digging in but not penetrating through the barrier. As the mana flow grows from a trickle to a stream and the light emitted grows more intense I begin to feel the tiniest bit of give.

Yes! With Tiny distracting their attention they have reinforced the barrier above but it has grown noticeably weaker below. This is my chance!

Straining with every muscle fibre of my face I push my mandibles to the limit!

Break through, dammit!

The barrier gives a little more under my assault, then a little more! Seemingly sensing something, the closest mage lowers his head to turn from Tiny to me, noticing my fiercely glowing mandibles he tries to redirect his attention to stop me from breaking through, raising his free hand at the last second.

Too late!

Tearing through the barrier my mandibles close with a mighty snap! The invisible shield before me cracks and dissolves, the forward pressure I'd created with my legs sends me flying forward, tumbling inside the dome!

Snapping one section of the barrier has a visible impact on the mage closest to me and he wilts under the strain. I don't have much understanding of barrier spells to this point so I'm sure exactly how this recoil works but I sure as heck am going to take advantage of it!

feet I use all of my mental power to complete the Gravity Spear as quickly as possible. Cutting off the flow of mana to my mandibles relieves a lot of the pressure on my mind and the spell construction continues

mage closest to me can recover, I

Shattering Bite!

jaws shut upon the mage, I don't even rely on the


noise the pulverizing force of my mandibles closes on the mage before he is able to recover. When I

slain level 43

[You have gained experience]

reached level 11,

12, one

and her face is filled with horror, but she hasn't time to act against me as

withdraw her mind from maintaining the shield and attack me, letting Tiny smash it to pieces and robbing the warriors or its defence or does she leave herself vulnerable to my

shield but instead she decisively brings her staff around towards me,

means Tiny gets a free

massive ape rear back with his good hand, rotating his body so far that his back is to the barrier before he unwinds and unleashes his fist as

shards of mana fall like

several turn to witness the situation behind them

mage is going to blast me right in the

spell hums into life as it finally finishes charging having


own safety I decisively turn and fire the Gravity Spear towards the warriors on the front line,

ice have formed in

Holy moly!

can do is tuck my legs and antennae under my body

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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