
Chapter 140

I can't afford to let the mage attack Tiny, if she is able to disable him or even heavily wound him with her magic then we might lose our best chance to deal with those deadly fighters. Not to mention the terrible possibility Tiny might be killed!

Quick as a flash I spin around to present my b-zone towards the mage. My sudden energetic and rapid movement takes her completely by surprise as merely seconds ago I'd been cut to ribbons by her magical barrage.

Victory is always decided by the one who thinks the fastest! Receive the famed produce of my commercial district!


At this close range I don't worry about aiming and punch out three blasts of acid as rapidly as I can. The jets of acid streak through the air and impact hard against the mage. At this close range the physical force of the acid spray is almost enough to knock her off her feet. She manages to retain her balance by falling to one knee and using her staff to prop herself up but by then the restrictive nature of the acid is already kicking in, making it difficult for her to move.

So long as she is delayed from effecting the rest of the fight then my purpose will be served, more than taking her out straight away I'm most concerned with stopping the dreadful slaughter of my siblings.

Using their blade skills the warriors have been able to maintain a distance from the fearless workers, relying on the barrier to keep the ants from pressing forward and giving them the space to unleash their advanced sword skills, slashing out arcs of energy, much like my own shattering bite skill, that carve apart three or more workers with every strike!

When I see the broken and destroyed remains of my family members littering the ground my heart twists with pain. These warriors are too good at their work, most of these workers are already dead, beyond what the Queen's healing can fix. They didn't even have a chance to drag their damaged bodies clear of the fight.

Disrupting the warriors from striking at the colony is the number one priority!

Thankfully my Gravity Spear is starting to take effect!

to be too large. So when the target of my spell realises he has an ethereal purple spear sticking through his guts his first instinct seems to

it isn't long until the warriors nearby, most of whom are still facing the ravenous ant tide, begin

force of the Gravity Spear begins to show its effect, the warriors are finding themselves thrown off balance, having to exert force in their feet in order to resist this unknown force. The disruption is so strong that the barrage

instructions to each other as they resist the building force with all of their might, gradually falling back to the source of the pull

resist the gravity in this way! They haven't even lost their feet! The calm way they dealt with this new situation worries me immensely. These warriors

have retreated and grouped up,

[Tiny! Smash those guys!]

shield Tiny has been impatiently waiting for it to completely dissolve before advancing. Now that I've given him a target

and steps forward, glittering sword in one hand and imposing tower shield on the other. Clearly he intends to face off against

to rise back to her feet I decide to gamble and leave her

angle a little and


whilst the other hits on the side of his chest. Hopefully the restrictive properties and damage

a little momentum behind him the giant ape lumbers forward and unleashes his devastating fist straight on! The warrior doesn't lose focus for a second, his eyes show no fear or surprise at all, even when my acid splashes against him. Faced with the massive fist

Holy heck!

to defend himself against Tiny? I'd expected we'd be finding parts of him in the next postcode when that fist was unleashed!

destroy the target he simply wound back his other hand and unleashed a vicious hook. His fist cuts through the air so quickly a shrill whistling sound can be heard ringing in the

the subtle signs of Tiny winding up his electrical engine. Little sparks are beginning to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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