
Chapter 176

I always expect to get knocked out when evolving but this feels slightly different. I don't feel like I'm being pulled downward into slumber but quite literally being pulled downward!

I can feel my consciousness being pulled down into my core, dragged away from its home in my ant body in a non-pain free process.

What the heck is going on here!? I was just about to evolve and enjoy my rise to triumph! What the heck is this? Is this some punishment for hitting Tiny too much? He deserved it! I swear!

Did I kill too many humans? Is there god going to take punishment on me for reaping juicy experience from them? Those were bad people! Probably!

To tell you the truth I don't know!

Despite my protestations and desperate flailing with my mind I have absolutely no control. Like a water balloon held in an iron fist my mind can only slosh about as it is inexorable pulled away, into the core, and then down, further down. A tiny thread like tendril has extended from the dark and connected to my core and it's through this thread that I am drawn, dragged even.

Like Alice tumbling down a rabbit hole I can sense myself sinking down a winding path, twisting here, turning there and always spiralling further downward, to the very center.

Of what I have no freakin' clue. As a disembodied mind I don't really have access to a whole lot of sensory options. None, is the precise number now that I think about it. I think Vibrant would die of sheer boredom in this place! Not to mention Tiny, he'd have nothing to fight! Or eat….

Crinis would probably be quite fine though, now that I consider it. She'd miss the sensation of touch obviously but she's used to going without the others…

I continue to babble to myself to on the surface level of my mind mainly to distract from the sheer existential terror I'm experiencing.


It isn't often your consciousness is quite literally dragged out of your body and pulled to a new location whilst you spin, completely blind and unaware of the process going on? How often could that possibly happen to a person!? It's only the second time I've ever experienced this sensation!


The realisation stills my pounding… mental… heart.. For a single second.

Actually… I did go through this whole thing before once didn't I?

I can remember, vaguely, what it felt like when I … died, I guess? I could feel my mind slipping away from my body, pulled out and dragged through who knows what to who knows where. The hunger and sensation from my old body just faded away then everything went white and then…

[Then you heard a voice which welcomed you to your new world]

Yeah! Then Gandalf spoke to me and everything got started on this crazy antventure…



you call

voice of the Gandalf the Grey and I'll say the same even if you

[Pass where?]

on here exactly O Bearded One? Could I perhaps be returned to

level of density required for me to reach out to you in this way young Anthony. It is kind of … traditional, that I speak to those like

almost constantly? Every time I level

active mind requires a little more… sturdiness on your part. You

little disturbing. I reached this point quickly? Compared to what? The other people like me? Just how many people do you drag in here Gandalf? Are you in the habit


out to grasp an existence like yours and

don't recall there being anything particularly

human to survive the transition to life in the Dungeon of this world without… breaking. I try to find souls such as yours, souls that have lived a life of deprivation and suffering.



a horrible life or anything though? It was bit tough sometimes


silence between the two us

death at


know that right? But I always thought that was a bit more common than people gave it credit, you know? People starve to death all over the world,


was quite expecting the response

you also abandoned by your

worth anything. Not to mention my relatives immediately stopped answering my calls, leaving me stranded with debtors on the door…. But hey… could

[Could have been worse?!]


[Didn't that happen too?]

Well…. A bit.

[A BIT?!]

what!? I still had my pets

ants. You fed them everything you had, didn't you? Until you starved to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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