
Chapter 177

Gradually my mind begins to resurface. It’s a strange feeling, seeing as I don’t actually get to sleep as an ant but rather going into the stasis like rest of torpor so I’m not actually used to properly blacking out like this.

The memory of what had taken place when I evolved still boils away in my mind. Gandalf? Is he actually down in the Dungeon somewhere? I push away the bad memories of my previous life that had been dragged up during the conversation, I don’t waste time focusing on that stuff. I have plenty to be about in the here and now after all! I’ve got a new family, pets and a brand new Mother to look after, no point stuffing about thinking of things that are long gone.

Sensations bubble up in my awareness until the light comes on in my eyes and then BAM, I’m awake!



I’m here! I’m ready! It’s actions stations people!


Why is my face full of fluff?!

Flexing my legs and body I can feel all of the familiar appendages are in their proper places, six legs, two antennae, the junk in my trunk. All seems good!

The real problem I have is all this damn fuzz in my face! What the heck is going on!



[Tiny is that you?!]


[Get the hell up Tiny! I need to move about in here!]

[.... Sleepy]

[Go sleep on the surface or something! I can’t even see with all this fuzz in my eyes!]

[.... Tired]

[That’s the same thing as sleepy! Get the heck out of here you lump!]

I can sense an exasperated sigh over the mental link, as if I’m the one being unreasonable! Just who does this ape think he is? And why the heck is he so damn fluffy now!?

of long white fuzzy hair rolls away from me towards the entrance


[Do you not fit?!]

[.... No]

and his general species I can only assume that he has gotten even more powerful

digging straight out that way and you should come out the side of

chamber is usually dug the closest to the top and off to the side somewhere, out of the way of the rest of the colony so there shouldn’t be a problem if he starts digging his way through. Even if the side of the hill collapses it

scraping as the ape starts to dig his way out. The only visible evidence I have of that is the shifting white hair

Grunting happily to himself he hauls himself out into the

big! That’s a

evolution! If he were to stand up to his maximum height he’d probably crack ten feet, easy! His thick, powerful arms are covered in long white hairs, the shorter hair on his torso is also mostly white. On closer inspection, he isn’t

a silverback

are you now

to look at me and I can see his bat face is now completely black, rather than the dark grey it used to be. His


What kind of monster are you now? Do


your cunning actually


evolving? If he gets any dumber than this he’ll forget how to eat! Looking at his bulky form that practically radiates strength I can only imagine how potent those massive fists have become now. This species clearly prioritises

to think for himself, rather than rely on me to point him in the right direction and make sure he has what he needs. Ah well. Maybe I can

a handle on what is going on in the room. Where is

"Vibrant?" I call.

hear her chirpy


Did that come from...

my antennae I feel around on the top of my head and sure enough something is there. Shifting my head position back a little I can clearly see her beady little ant eyes

"Have you evolved, Vibrant?"



what species you chose?" I

course! Vibrant took one of the special options, just like Senior said! Superior Hatchling Worker!" she

So still a hatchling.

I’m going to have to put up with this helpless little freeloader until she reaches level ten, then craft another special



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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