
Chapter 184

We make much more rapid progress in our descent this time as opposed to the first. Tiny is much stronger after his second consecutive special evolution and he smashes his way with extreme speed and a strangely casual attitude through these small fry. I don't think I've even seen him throw a punch, he's just squashing monsters flat underneath his palms for the most part.

I really have no idea exactly what he gained in the evolution. Perhaps some new organs? Something related to his lightning? Maybe a boost to his sonic scream? I'm more tempted than ever to take the skill that allows me to look at a pets status, simply for convenience sake but I resist. Now that I have the core surgery skill I can take a look at his information using that, it's just a bit more difficult to do so. I have a lot of skill points saved up at the moment so the thought of casually spending one or two to make life a little easier is extremely tempting.

As Tiny keeps slapping his way through the upper layers we pause every now and again to let the little ones eat. I've told Crinis to exercise as much as possible to aid her digestion in order to allow for maximum food stuffage in the shortest period of time. What this means is that she is frantically waving tentacles all over the place whilst riding on my back. She can extend a lot more limbs a lot further than she could not that long ago so I'll take that as evidence that she is fact growing properly.

Whenever we take breaks I flip open the skills menu and flick through it, looking for anything new that has appeared or anything that might be useful. There are a few skills I hadn't seen before that I'm considering purchasing, especially these few:

[Water Magic affinity, Increases the users comfort, speed and efficacy when using mana of the water attribute]

[Fire Magic affinity, Increases the users comfort, speed and efficacy when using mana of the fire attribute]

[Earth Magic affinity, Increases the users comfort, speed and efficacy when using mana of the earth attribute]

[Wind Magic affinity, Increases the users comfort, speed and efficacy when using mana of the wind attribute]

The appearance of these skills seems to answer a few questions in my mind. It appears that once an intelligent creature has mastered the transformation skill to some extent then they will be able to choose an affinity to make it easier to advance onto the next step. I'm guessing that with higher levels of the Mana Transformation skill, or perhaps when the skill advances to the next rank then other, more advanced affinities will become unlocked.

of all the mana types these four have the most basic transformation

some consideration I eventually purchase the Water Magic Affinity. I know that the Croca-Beasts have a fire magic gland, despite being based on an aquatic creature. Even if water magic doesn't prove to be too effective offensively against them, I'm sure it'll

with certain elements? Or good affinity? A water based lifeform like a crocodile doesn't seem to have good synergy with fire magic on the surface… maybe I'm overthinking the whole Crocodile thing. Just because they dwell in water on my world doesn't necessarily mean that they do here, or that the Croca-Beasts are better in water than anything else in

is much higher now than the last

for about an hour, stopping every now and again. Eventually we make our way down to the location of the short cut we had previously dug. Whilst Tiny smashes everything I continue

reached level


a flaming horse the user will be able

I'll take it!

points saved up… I'll leave it for now but I really ought to be spending these. Skill points in the bank do nothing to increase strength! I

clearing the shortcut of spawned monsters. By this time the Dungeon has extended its veins all the way to the top. Beasties and plants have spawned all over the place and started ripping into each other with gusto. It's all over very quickly once we arrive. I go into high gear just to help take care of things quickly and bite the heck out of everything I see. Once finished we pile up the more evolved species at the top of the shortcut

order of


as possible.

exhausting! On the plus side my Tunnel map is becoming more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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