
Chapter 185

Almost as if the air were rushing towards us I can feel a wave pressure roll up the tunnel and press against my face.

It… isn't comfortable.

["Something is coming up. Get ready to fight"] I warn my crew.

Vibrant and Crinis huddle carefully on my person. Tiny stands to his full height, his head brushing the roof. He can also sense something is coming. His silver fur starts to rise off his frame as electrical sparks begin to shimmer and zap across his frame.

Ohhhh he's pumped up! I'm also keen to see what he can do now that he's evolved. That massive frame isn't for nothing, I'm sure I'll see something interesting when he goes at it. Now that I think of it I should also start making some preparations.

My two sub brains are well rested now and ready for action. It's time to put them to work. Wanting to test their strength I task each of them with a separate spell, one Gravity Bolt each. Best to begin with the basics and work their way up.

As the pressure continues to build and roll against us like waves from the tunnel before us I sense internally as my two little helpers get busy shaping the spells. Independently they draw on the gravitational mana stored in my gland and begin to shape the spells.



Chuckling to myself with glee I then begin to shape a third spell with my main mind. Not double the spells, TRIPLE the spells! This is the true, awesome power of my Divergent Mind! The sub brains are not as quick nor as capable as I was in my last evolution. They lack the force of will to shift the mana as rapidly and the cunning to weave the shapes as deftly, but even if it takes them twice as long, being able to independently cast their own spells makes these sub brains so damn useful!

Now to unleash the fearsome might, the unparalleled force and the extraordinary dexterity of my newly upgraded main brain!

After all, most of the extra juice I pumped into my mental faculties was spent on this, in terms of will or cunning I'm nothing like I was before! Behold!

With force and precision I draw on the gravitational mana to rapidly weave it into a Gravity Spear, the long body of the spell with its surrounding intricate engraved circles take shape at record pace. Incredible!

My ability to use magic in combat situations has absolutely shot through the roof! I'm more than satisfied! With my next evolution I may spend a little of my budget neatening up the edges but I don't think I need much more juice in the mental department. I'll be ramping up my physical stats until the same size as Tiny!

ready, one mind for each, and prepare myself

excited he's practically fidgeting. Calm

volume. From a whisper to a murmur and then rising into a crescendo of sound. Roars, screams and the pounding

like a freaking stampede

when I'm starting to reconsider our frontal approach the edges of the horde come into view. My first impression is a wave of teeth rushing towards us at full speed. The second and third impressions are much

the heck

rending the air! What's going on?!


beardy faced

going to

didn't I get a

horde. Shadowy monsters, Imps, pigs and even some of the mobile plant types are in the mix! I just can't

building, pressing down on us like

to hesitate, let's do

of my


as packed together as they are.

be smashed into the ground by the pounding

[You have slain…

[You have slain …

No time for that!

two Gravity Bolts smack into another two monsters and drag them down to the ground. These are also quickly crushed. With five or six monsters dead the size of the coming monster wave

need to bring out the

Gravity Domain. With the two of them working in tandem they should be able to handle it! I don't want to chip in with the main mind right now, I need my wits

up, the electricity is crackling all over his frame by now, stinging the air around with frequent flashes of light. In the face on the onrushing monsters he doesn't flinch but rather smashes his chest with his mighty fists and roars! His powerful bellows and shrieks are

there! Having issued his challenge the ape begins to charge forward, smashing the tunnel floor with his knuckles as he picks up speed! He's not content to

Dammit Tiny!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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