
Chapter 186

Electricity rippling across his body endlessly, Tiny’s fists continue to flash out and devastate his opponents. None can stand up to his blows. That doesn’t shock me much. We’re talking about a ten foot tall Gorilla monster here. If I’d seen a Gorilla on Earth that was ten feet tall I’d have fair browned my downstairs department. Physical strength is something he has in spades.

What is really impressive is the lightning strikes flashing from his body without him having to think about it, blasting creatures around him who draw too close. Problem is they have no choice but to get too close since they are a mindless mass of monsters that pushes forward no matter what.

We are still taking damage he and I. As fast as we can destroy the enemies they are replaced just as quickly. It only took a few seconds of following Tiny’s charge for the two of us to be completely surrounded, buried amongst the monsters. They lash at us from all sides, battering me with their limbs, trying to bite through my tough carapace and raising sparks between their teeth and my shell. I’m losing Hp here!

Thankfully my defence is holding up pretty well but Tiny is suffering more, he doesn’t have a nice handy outer skeleton and his fur is only a little protection. I feel as if his physical stats are inordinately slanted towards Might as opposed to Toughness. As the claws and teeth of our foes rain down on him he is continuously taking damage.

Not that he slows down any...

Is that Domain ready yet?!

My two sub brains have been frantically working together to weave the far more complex spell as quickly as they can but it’s still not done. Unwilling to wait any longer I focus with my main mind and ignore the rain of blows that fall on me the moment I grow still. With every ounce of my mental strength applied to the task the spell takes form rapidly, layer after layer of complexity added to the construct until it’s finally complete.

Not hesitating in the slightest I open the sluice gates and pour in the Gravitational mana like it’s going out of fashion. Get! This! Spell! Done!


The instant it’s ready I unleash the domain and the glittering purple dome of energy rapidly expands outwards, encompassing the entire width of the tunnel it expands ten metres out in all directions.


massive Gravitation pull kicks in and the monsters around me are

[Tiny!] I shout.

the Domain but their ability to move and contest us has easily halved. The shadow beasts are probably holding up better

we can


unleashes his ultimate bat scream, the ultrasonic wave! The ear shattering sound is even stronger than

That stings!

manage to resist the stunning effect of the scream thanks to my over tuned Will but most of the monsters around us aren’t so lucky. Those caught inside the Domain have it the worst, hit by

[Get em!]

two of us immediately start flailing about madly, Tiny with his fists and me with my jaws. I use shattering bite over and over again until my face aches and exhaustion creeps

eat something, restore

will provide him a lot more energy. After constantly using my advanced physical skills I’m

flows out of my gland and into the construct powering the spell. Thanks to the bottomless upgrade I don’t need to worry about running out of mana in the short term.

but ultimately can’t refuse my order. He throws himself behind me and starts stuffing his face with the plentiful Biomass littered across the Tunnel floor. The food

going to get dangerous!] I yell as I flick the little ball

still not grown and combat ready after all. Vibrant at least

we are whittling down their numbers even slightly. My impressive, nearly 360 degree vision is giving me a wonderful 360

laying out with my mandibles at every opportunity. In an effort to avoid complete exhaustion I stopped using my skills and instead started channelling mana into my mandibles to

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

of my jaws at work mixed with the howls and savage cries of the beasts. I felt like I held on for hours but it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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