
Chapter 187

I hadn't even finished celebrating Tiny's spectacular lightning wave technique (named it myself) before my joy is quenched by more monsters rushing up the as the ones in front of them collapsed from being overcooked.


How many of these damn things are there going to be?!

I hurriedly make use of the room Tiny has bought us by stuffing my face as full of Biomass as quickly as I can. Every bit counts! I also snap up my status for a moment to check on any skill changes. Every edge I can get in this critical fight!


I've gained a level of Shattering Bite and two levels in Advanced Exo-Skeleton defence. Letting myself get battered by a horde of trash seems like a good way to train that skill, if painful. It looks like I'm going to get battered to hell all over again in a minute, the next wave of shadow beasts will be on us in a few seconds!

Seems I also managed to gain two levels from the conflict as well. Not too helpful at the present moment but nice to know!


[Crinis! What's up?!]

[I'm ready!]


Those monsters are closing in quick! I don't have time for a chat!

[Ready for what?!]

[To fight!]

[Fight what?!]

I really need her to get to the point here.

[… I've finished my growth phase] she slows down to explain to me clearly [If you point me at the enemy I can fight them]

Oh…. Ohhhhhh! AWWWWW!!

[Quick grab on!]

tennis ball sized glob of

you sure?!] I

[Positive, Master]

then.. Here you

watches as she sails over his head, tracing a graceful arc through the air. As she travels something remarkable happens. She starts to grow. From a little tennis ball she expands, by the time she reaches the apex of her arc she's inflated to basketball size and as

'Dis gon be good!

giddy with anticipation I skitter up the wall to get a better view of the

Just in time too!

the middle of the onrushing horde, a few seconds

power of the JellyMaw! Mowing down monsters like a scythe or gripping them, lifting them into the air and crushing

to I hope their end is a peaceful one! The monsters do their best to fight back, slashing at her tentacles of dashing forward to bite at her. I'm sure their doing damage but I can't

rate she's eating them she might just be healing it right back up

shredding, Tiny stands quite still, squishing to death any monster that gets close enough or tries to slip past him. I think

is it going Crinis!? Do you

Master, you don't need to


bit harsh on them isn't

weaving a few Gravity bolts and fling them into the fight whenever they're ready. Trying to do a little bit to ease the burden on my youngest pet

she is surely the most suitable out of herself and Tiny. The big ape is more specialised as a big hitter, though his new area lightning

I chose to make Crinis my second pet, she counterbalances Tiny

enough to bring a tear of pride to my eye. If she seems deadly now, just wait until she

she extends a limb there is going to be an enemy there! Like a relentless machine those tentacles reach out,

It's endless!

the end I just leave the casting of the Gravity Bolts to my sub brains and chill out on the wall. It's kind of nice to be

many, we could send some

Master! I.. I'll



really is a hungry thing

making sure to remain a minimum distance away from his fellow pet. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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