
Chapter 212

The new evolution has certainly seen a massive rise in Vibrant's stats! And some of her organs look incredibly unique. The command organ? Did she get that from being a special ant from birth?

Gah! I should have investigated her core ages ago! That's what I get for not being curious enough!

"How do you feel Vibrant?"

"Great!" she cheers.

I have to say, she's not so little anymore, almost the same size as I am. The only reason I would be bigger is because I used the shortcut method of raising my Might stat quickly by packing on more size rather than condensing the muscle, which increases strength without increasing size. My guess is that Vibrant has taken a much more balanced approach and therefore has much more power squeezed into a smaller body.

Looking at her skills and upgrades, it's clear the direction that Vibrant has been taking. Physical strength, hearty defence, looks like she picked up an Aura gland during her most recent evolution, speed naturally, being Vibrant.

Looks like she'll be taking the path of pouring her mana into fuelling a range of Aura glands rather than using it to directly fuel magic. I should look at recommending that path to Tiny actually. The lightning mana he has is put to good use but the all the raw MP sitting in his core doesn't do anything whilst his lightning glands are topped off. He'd be more effective in a fight if he had somewhere to put that energy.

I'll have to think on it.

Due to his low intelligence I'm worried about Tiny's future evolution paths. Every time he's evolved he's lost Cunning. If it continues down that path he's going to wind up an extremely well-muscled, bat faced vegetable.

stats wise to fight and front line" I

with Crinis!" the no longer little ant cheered with

seemingly infinite energy could be, she was as

If you get in trouble, pop your healing gland straight away, don't save it. We can get you

still wiggling

high right now. Sigh. I'll have to remind her

for the attack. Try to keep an eye out and keep her safe. I want her on the edges of the fight and not in the middle.

[Hurr!] Tiny grunted affirmatively.

shall come


more assured if you could actually see her Crinis…

sure it'll

the flank. Our mission is

others look

it to me and I shall prepare a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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