
Chapter 213

The Marsh Expanse is still teeming with monstrous life. I can see monsters creeping out of connected tunnels, making their way deeper into the recesses in order to meet up with whatever is compelling their behaviour. Even without the steady trickle of captive beasts, there is plenty of stuff to fight around us.

The ever-present, ever hungry flora dots the mounds and rises out of the waters regularly. The plants don't seem to want to eat each other much but they are always waiting for a juicy meal to wander past, ready to fall into their clutches.

Then there are the crocs.

Lounging there and there, yawning mightily with their enormous jaws, the Croca-Beasts Titan Crocs and beyond can be seen almost everywhere. Never too many in one place, but little posse's of three or four, wading through the waters or lying on the raised earth.

I think there's more of them here than the last time we came. Or maybe they are gathering on this side since we raised a ruckus last time.

At any rate, they haven't seemed to have spotted us.

I think the best course of action is two lure them into the tunnel group by group, keep the combat out of sight so we don't draw the lot of them down on our heads at once. Nice and steady, that's the play.


So why is Tiny over there punching a Titan Croc in the face?


["Let's go! Move quickly to support Tiny! Crinis! Don't let him get surrounded and try not to get flame throwered!"] I cry as I rush forward.

This stupid ape! How could I forget his habits so quickly?! Last time we were here I was pleased by his self-control and ability to control his seemingly endless hunger for battle. The reality is he was unsettled, even a little intimidated, by the oppressive aura that hangs over this Expanse.

How did I expect a maniacal, famously thick battle addict to react to his first taste of fear? An emotion that he probably hadn't felt in his entire life? After taking out his frustration on smaller and weaker, unsatisfying foes and getting a power buff from taking the time to actually increase the level of his skills, not to mention the massive boost he received from finally mutating to over +5.

Now he's back, large and in charge and he couldn't wait to punch some face in.

So he didn't!

eyes on a Croca the urge to redeem himself in a battle of old fashioned fisty cuffs must

a hundred metres. When they saw the giant ape eagerly flinging himself forward, swinging from tree branches like a demented, overweight Tarzan, they roused themselves

faces in within ten seconds and then stood pounding his chest


course he

still bellowing his challenge and it's safe to say he has drawn

Crocs are staring with undisguised hostility at my pets and I. I'm quietly confident even the plants are giving us a full dose of the


think I'm feeling a

over an extended period of time, THIS

immediately kick my sub brains into gear and get them weaving up a water transformation construct. It shouldn't take long for them to get it set up and pumping out water attributed mana. If any of these monsters decides to start spitting flame at us, I want to be

folks, they're

of Croca's begin to advance towards us, curiously untouched by local plant monsters. Counting rapidly I size

candle to us. It's what will


monsters swagger towards us, their toothy grins and grasping claws screaming confidence. It's almost strange. I'm starting to think these guys haven't been challenged, in

get a rude awakening

[Crinis! Eat!]

[Of course Master!]

the subtle vibrations of movement through the ground and air. As the Crocs flex their way towards us, eagerly anticipating the meal to come, Crinis slowly lifts herself from my back on thin

despair. Who could possibly imagine that this tennis ball

Certainly not the crocs.

Crinis, you've had some fun

the dirt. He hasn't had nearly enough fighting yet, but I know his games. It isn't possible for him to get enough fighting in the first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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