
Chapter 214

The smaller croca beasts look quite apprehensive to be approaching the grasping tentacles of death but with their larger cousins pressing them from behind they have little choice but to continue to approach.

Crinis has spread her net of tentacles in a ten metre arc towards the approaching foes, her tremor sense giving her some idea of the positioning of the enemy. The Titan Crocs bringing up the rear snap their jaws and bark out a brief message to their lesser kin, who grit their oversized teeth and rush forward as one.

It seems they've grown tired of the slow measured approach and want to surround Crinis with overwhelming numbers. Nine of the beasties are rushing towards her now, claws extended and long crocodile jaws open wide for a taste of my pet!

Fortunately Crinis, the smartest of my core children has foreseen this situation! She was already a complete beast at fighting a horde of enemies, but with her new mutations that ability has only been intensified!

Those jet black grasping tentacles react quickly to the pounding feet of the approaching Crocs. Before the monsters can even swipe their claws the tentacles begin to divide, splitting into thinner limbs that then divide some more, creating innumerable appendages that slither through the air towards the hapless crocs.

Just as they were about to commence their attack, claws extended and saliva dripping from their agape jaws, the crocs become lashed with hundreds of tentacles. Due to her upgraded shadow flesh and tentacle manipulation skill, Crinis has become quite adept at the manipulation of her limbs and the strange stuff that makes up her body has only grown tougher and more flexible as she mutates it.

The crocs don't stand a chance. The moment they are entwined in those razor thin tentacles their hope is lost. They struggle and roar but the shadow flesh proves to be resistant to their feeble struggles. The tentacles slowly fuse together again, thickening, until they manifest the barbs once more.

With a horrid whine the ripping begins and it isn't long before Croc after Croc is being deposited into the mouth of the ever hungering murder ball.

That is just… so rough, every time I see it.

you go support him. Crinis, you and I can take

"Roger!' Vibrant shouts.

happily, the fire burning

Crinis cries

to be having second thoughts about their previous confidence. Watching their allies be shredded and chewed up by a single ball of ink will have that sort of effect I suppose. It's too late to back out now because we are

spells. I don't actually think Crinis or Tiny will actually need help to dispose of these Titan-Crocs but it feels nice for everyone to get involved. We have

their cry rattles the air and all around us crocs turn to focus intently on the goings on. With my superior vision I can already see a

I think it's on

back I begin pouring my mental energy into spell shaping without holding back. I need to make

titanic strike. A narrow miss! His light enveloped fist plunges down and the ground beneath our feet shakes with that shattering impact. The Croc seems to realise just how lucky it was in that moment it dodged, staring wide eyed at the ape before it, failing to capitalize on this moment of weakness.

the Croc, staggering it with the sheer kinetic force of the water smashing into it. Water sprays everywhere from the blasts, drizzling down onto Crinis who completely ignores it as she 'walks' towards her opponent on her several tentacles. This is her new skill, the tentacle walk. It may not seem

only just recovering from the impact of my water bolts. Hastily the Croc throws open his jaw and unleashes a jet of orange

turned onto Crinis at point blank range! Fortunately she was forewarned of this danger. As soon as she feels the heat burning her

do. Shadow beasts seem to have something of a weakness to fire so I wanted Crinis to be able to limit the damage she might take in battle with

her sit there and take the flame thrower, that would be

Water Cannon!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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